
Noticed aircraft toward us on the nd. ATC never mentioned aircraft until event had already occurred. After the event occurred he mentioned clear of traffic climb and maintain FL340. When the RA went off we had captured the altitude we were climbing to and we were leveling off. The command bars on our pfd were the same as the aircraft was doing at the same time. Climb rate too great in proximity to other aircraft. Never was made aware of aircraft even though it was noticed on our screen. After event occurred ATC said 'clear of traffic climb and maintain FL340' we [thought] you never mentioned the traffic anyway. Decreased vertical climb as aircraft was capturing altitude we were climbing to. In close proximity to aircraft may need to decrease climb rate even if you think your rate will not set off the RA/TA mode.


Original NASA ASRS Text

Title: B737-700 flight crew experiences a TCAS RA while leveling off at assigned altitude. The target aircraft was assigned and altitude 1;000 feet above and no action was required by the pilot flying as the autopilot leveled the aircraft 1;000 feet below.

Narrative: Noticed aircraft toward us on the ND. ATC never mentioned aircraft until event had already occurred. After the event occurred he mentioned clear of traffic climb and maintain FL340. When the RA went off we had captured the altitude we were climbing to and we were leveling off. The command bars on our PFD were the same as the aircraft was doing at the same time. Climb rate too great in proximity to other aircraft. Never was made aware of aircraft even though it was noticed on our screen. After event occurred ATC said 'clear of traffic climb and maintain FL340' we [thought] you never mentioned the traffic anyway. Decreased vertical climb as aircraft was capturing altitude we were climbing to. In close proximity to aircraft may need to decrease climb rate even if you think your rate will not set off the RA/TA mode.

Data retrieved from NASA's ASRS site as of July 2013 and automatically converted to unabbreviated mixed upper/lowercase text. This report is for informational purposes with no guarantee of accuracy. See NASA's ASRS site for official report.