210392   Reporter confuses which radial of which VOR he is to intercept, tunes wrong VOR and o...
202642   Captain continues ILS approach with full right deflection of CDI needle during WX avo...
1338544   B777 flight attendants and passengers in the aft cabin reported dizziness and light h...
490532   Near midair collision between a beech king air climbing out of phl and a B747 on arri...
135528   Aircraft penetrated restricted airspace without authorization.
756719   A saab 340B pilot reports loss of propeller RPM and torque with a return to land.
226226   Medium large transport wingtip strikes fuel truck while parking at gate.
773931   An eclipse 500 used emergency authority to deviate around WX.
1694863   B767 first officer reported an airspeed deviation during arrival on a STAR that conta...
1239552   After receiving mixed messages about the severity of a passenger disruption from the ...
1761517   Flight attendant reported a passenger did not comply with face mask policy during fli...
533751   Flight crew declared an emergency to ARTCC controller due to an ill passenger and the...
458129   Cabin attendant report, S80, stl-ord, passenger employee overheard bomb threat by int...
570648   An S80 flight attendant reported smoke in the cabin upon departure from jfk with a re...
427008   Pilot of C150 experiences engine failure near austin.
550905   Near midair collision between departure and arrival GA aircraft, opposite direction t...
469673   Multiple pilot, cabin attendant reports. B727, bwi-dfw. Loud noise on takeoff from af...
785780   Mechanic dispatches a B737-500 after applying fire resistant tape over a crack in the...
711090   A B767-300 was pushed back from the gate at lax with the tug driver using nonstandard...
1524961   Crj-900 captain reported returning to the gate after rejecting the takeoff because of...
559338   The PIC of an A320 makes a precautionary landing when his right engine shows a slight...
313511   An air carrier large transport was caught in a microburst.
954011   An A319 ECAM alerted air engine 1 bleed leak after the thrust reduction to climb powe...
408629   A B727 on approach to dfw encounters wake turbulence from a preceding B757 4 mi ahead...
1004049   ZLA controller described a TCAS RA event apparently triggered by a glider operating c...
1301301   Twin cessna pilot reported an aircraft crossed the end of his takeoff runway without ...
340910   Flight crew of a B757 aborted takeoff after the captain experienced an uncontrollable...
934169   Tower controller issued a go around to an aircraft attempting to execute an instrumen...
471963   A medium large, low wing, turbofan transport was dispatched in non compliance with th...
300464   Mdt on training flight questions approach and landing with minimums low.
706410   A dhc-2 float plane's right float contacted a boat's roof during a water landing. Air...
699187   B767 flight crew encounters severe turbulence.
536676   A CL65 hits and kills a coyote during an early dawn landing at avl, nc.
508790   B757 intoxicated passenger with companion uses vile language with the flight attendan...
918445   A PAY2 pilot reported a malfunctioning right engine to ATC; requesting a diversion to...
784136   An air carrier pilot comments that signage of sea taxiway 'C' at runway 16L could con...
632753   A PA34 pilot forgot to get IFR clearance and departs. Obtains IFR clearance once he r...
1587062   B757 captain reported high engine vibration indication resulted in a diversion to the...
571802   After touchdown, a C210 pilot was instructed and turned off slightly fast causing the...
446916   A B757-200 in climb at FL230 declared an emergency and diverted due to #2 engine loss...
290329   The reporter, first officer, thought the captain was in error in not de- icing the ai...
411810   An arrival S80 flight crew does not execute a go around when their aircraft displays ...
531946   C172 training flight crew initiate evasive maneuver in runway 32R traffic pattern to ...
798145   Air carrier requested WX deviation and descent; controller approved; but failed to no...
299883   WX factors - air carrier encounters turbulence on descent and has to slow below its a...
257408   Large transport has vibration shimmy on takeoff. Loud bang heard by cabin attendant, ...
1741398   Air carrier captain reported significant safety compromises with wearing face masks d...
459440   Dhc crew does not make timely turn after takeoff at hvn.
259193   Supervisor controller vectoring aircraft for spacing on ILS had less than standard se...
131328   Air carrier medium large transport non adherence to minimum equipment list requiremen...