
While landing on runway 3; after touchdown which was normal; I encountered a sudden; unexpected gust of wind that swerved the aircraft to the left before I had a chance to correct with right rudder. ATIS was calling wind at 300/12; although the surface winds had been gusty all morning. The aircraft went left off the runway and came to a sudden stop in the farm field mud.the aircraft sustained damage to the prop and; as a result of the strike; required an engine teardown and inspection. I was alone and unhurt and there was no property damage. Contributing cause might have been my low blood sugar causing my slow reaction to using opposite rudder; I had had a light breakfast that morning; but had been waiting all day as maintenance work was being performed.


Original NASA ASRS Text

Title: During the landing rollout an unexpected gust of wind struck the reporter's C210 pulling it to the left and off the runway resulting in a prop strike.

Narrative: While landing on Runway 3; after touchdown which was normal; I encountered a sudden; unexpected gust of wind that swerved the aircraft to the left before I had a chance to correct with right rudder. ATIS was calling wind at 300/12; although the surface winds had been gusty all morning. The aircraft went left off the runway and came to a sudden stop in the farm field mud.The aircraft sustained damage to the prop and; as a result of the strike; required an engine teardown and inspection. I was alone and unhurt and there was no property damage. Contributing cause might have been my low blood sugar causing my slow reaction to using opposite rudder; I had had a light breakfast that morning; but had been waiting all day as maintenance work was being performed.

Data retrieved from NASA's ASRS site and automatically converted to unabbreviated mixed upper/lowercase text. This report is for informational purposes with no guarantee of accuracy. See NASA's ASRS site for official report.