37000 Feet | Browse and search NASA's Aviation Safety Reporting System |
Attributes | |
ACN | 1190519 |
Time | |
Date | 201407 |
Local Time Of Day | 0001-0600 |
Place | |
Locale Reference | ZOA.ARTCC |
State Reference | CA |
Environment | |
Flight Conditions | VMC |
Aircraft 1 | |
Make Model Name | B737 Undifferentiated or Other Model |
Operating Under FAR Part | Part 121 |
Flight Phase | Cruise |
Route In Use | Oceanic |
Flight Plan | IFR |
Person 1 | |
Function | Captain |
Qualification | Flight Crew Air Transport Pilot (ATP) |
Experience | Flight Crew Last 90 Days 129.75 Flight Crew Total 19400 Flight Crew Type 129.75 |
Events | |
Anomaly | Deviation - Procedural FAR Deviation - Procedural Published Material / Policy |
Received SELCAL from dispatch to divert koa due to first 2;000 ft runway edge lights OTS at ito for night arrival. Requested reroute koa from commercial radio.at approx. Xa:16z received SELCAL from dispatch to now continue to ito due to runway conditions legal for arrival.initial conditions:phto fcst FMZZXA00 VRB05KT P6SM vcsh SCT025 BKN0301. Accuload sec 9: lnd ntm-runway 08/26 west 1750 ft closed declared dist 8050 ft for takeoff and landing. 2. NOTAM runway 26 VASI OTS 1407161808-1407232100EST 3. NOTAM runway 8/26 east 2000FT runway edge lgts out of service 1407210330-1407260400 4. Predeparture brief-noted accuload second 9. Runway 26 8;050 ft avail with west 1750 ft of rollout end closed. Did review all 35 pages of flight papers but did not highlight notam of east 2000 ft runway edge lgts OTS for our time period.action:approximately xa:16z; (after second SELCAL to continue to ito); immediately had first officer review all notams for the runway 26 west 1;750 ft closure and 2000 ft east runway edge light OTS while I called commercial radio for a frequency to contact dispatch.I explained to the dispatcher; I calculated runway 26 (9;800 ft-1;750 ft west closed)=8;050 of runway avail for landing; but with the first 2;000 ft of runway edge lights OTS; only the middle 6;050 ft of runway 26 was available and lighted. With the VASI OTS and no guidance to that new landing point (6;050 runway avail); vcsh BKN030 I was uncomfortable to now change destination back to ito.at xa:27z; I was immediately transferred to the dispatch who said we were legal to continue to ito and that lighting meets req.I again stated we were proceeding to koa and were uncomfortable with the decision to proceed back to ito.fom 2.50.2 emerg/nonnormal airport sub lighting.temp light substitution by flarepots or other can be provided so that the entire usable length of runway is defined. Captain and dispatcher must agree that substitute lighting is adequate for a safe operation for to or ldg.FOM6.10.2 navigation runway lighting flights are not authorized to takeoff or land during the period from 20 minutes after official sunset at an airport where the runway lts are inop unless adequate substitute lighting is avail.summary:I deemed that it was not prudent to continue to ito; and it was the safest course of action to continue to koa as originally passed to us on the first SELCAL from dispatch.threats:1.we could not find the NOTAM listed on accuload sec 9. W1750 runway 26 closed in the flight papers. Either listed improperly in the accuload or the NOTAM came out after the flight papers were printed. This created confusion; however; we took that information as correct while airborne as the safest course of action.2.the dispatcher stated that it was legal to continue to ito and the runway lighting met requirements. While on the frequency trying to understand his logic; we didn't feel comfortable with his reasons or his decision to continue to ito. We took the safest course of action and proceeded to koa. I would call the dispatcher and sort this out on the ground.errors:1. Fom 2.50.2 and 6.10.2 state that the entire usable length of the runway must be lighted or have substitute lighting for to or LDG2. Poor communication on not listing these impending threats to landing or takeoff in the notes on the original release or a message to contact dispatch prior to signing the release.
Original NASA ASRS Text
Title: Dispatched to ITO; aware the last 1;750 feet of Runway 26 was closed the Captain of an overwater B737NG refused to continue to destination when advised by Dispatch while enroute that the first 2;000 feet of the runway edge lights on the runway were also out of service. The reporter rejected strong advocacy from the Dispatcher that the operation was legal.
Narrative: Received SELCAL from Dispatch to divert KOA due to first 2;000 FT RWY edge lights OTS at ITO for night arrival. Requested reroute KOA from Commercial Radio.At approx. XA:16z Received SELCAL from Dispatch to now continue to ITO due to runway conditions legal for arrival.INITIAL CONDITIONS:PHTO FCST FMZZXA00 VRB05KT P6SM VCSH SCT025 BKN0301. ACCULOAD sec 9: LND NTM-RWY 08/26 W 1750 FT CLOSED DECLARED DIST 8050 FT FOR TAKEOFF AND LANDING. 2. NOTAM RWY 26 VASI OTS 1407161808-1407232100EST 3. NOTAM RWY 8/26 EAST 2000FT RWY EDGE LGTS OUT OF SERVICE 1407210330-1407260400 4. PREDEPARTURE BRIEF-noted ACCULOAD SEC 9. RWY 26 8;050 FT AVAIL WITH W 1750 FT OF ROLLOUT END CLOSED. DID Review all 35 PAGES of flight papers but did not highlight Notam of EAST 2000 FT RWY EDGE LGTS OTS for our time period.ACTION:Approximately XA:16z; (after second SELCAL to continue to ITO); Immediately had First Officer review all NOTAMs for the RWY 26 W 1;750 FT closure and 2000 FT EAST RWY EDGE light OTS while I called Commercial Radio for a frequency to contact Dispatch.I explained to the Dispatcher; I calculated RWY 26 (9;800 FT-1;750 FT W closed)=8;050 of RWY avail for landing; but with the first 2;000 FT of RWY edge lights OTS; ONLY THE MIDDLE 6;050 FT of RWY 26 was available and LIGHTED. With the VASI OTS and no guidance to that new landing point (6;050 RWY AVAIL); VCSH BKN030 I was uncomfortable to now change DEST back to ITO.AT XA:27z; I was immediately transferred to the Dispatch who said we were legal to continue to ITO and that LIGHTING MEETS REQ.I again stated we were proceeding to KOA and were uncomfortable with the decision to proceed back to ITO.FOM 2.50.2 Emerg/NonNormal Airport Sub Lighting.Temp light substitution by flarepots or other can be provided so that the ENTIRE usable length of RWY is defined. Captain and dispatcher MUST AGREE that substitute lighting is adequate for a safe operation for TO or LDG.FOM6.10.2 Navigation RWY Lighting Flights are not authorized to takeoff or land during the period from 20 minutes after official sunset at an airport where the RWY LTS are inop unless adequate substitute lighting is avail.Summary:I deemed that it was NOT PRUDENT to continue to ITO; and it was the SAFEST COURSE OF ACTION to continue to KOA as originally passed to us on the first SELCAL from Dispatch.THREATS:1.We could not find the NOTAM listed on ACCULOAD sec 9. w1750 RWY 26 closed in the flight papers. Either listed improperly in the ACCULOAD or the NOTAM came out after the flight papers were printed. This created confusion; however; we took that information as correct while airborne as the safest course of action.2.The Dispatcher stated that it was legal to continue to ITO and the RWY lighting met requirements. While on the frequency trying to understand his logic; we didn't feel comfortable with his reasons or his decision to continue to ITO. We took the safest course of action and proceeded to KOA. I would call the dispatcher and sort this out ON THE GROUND.ERRORS:1. FOM 2.50.2 and 6.10.2 state that the ENTIRE usable length of the RWY must be lighted or have substitute lighting for TO or LDG2. Poor communication on not listing these impending threats to landing or takeoff in the notes on the original release or a message to contact Dispatch prior to signing the release.
Data retrieved from NASA's ASRS site and automatically converted to unabbreviated mixed upper/lowercase text. This report is for informational purposes with no guarantee of accuracy. See NASA's ASRS site for official report.