37000 Feet | Browse and search NASA's Aviation Safety Reporting System |
Attributes | |
ACN | 1225842 |
Time | |
Date | 201412 |
Local Time Of Day | 1801-2400 |
Place | |
Locale Reference | EWR.Airport |
State Reference | NJ |
Environment | |
Flight Conditions | VMC |
Aircraft 1 | |
Make Model Name | Medium Transport Low Wing 2 Turbojet Eng |
Operating Under FAR Part | Part 121 |
Flight Phase | Taxi |
Flight Plan | IFR |
Aircraft 2 | |
Make Model Name | Any Unknown or Unlisted Aircraft Manufacturer |
Flight Phase | Taxi |
Person 1 | |
Function | First Officer Pilot Not Flying |
Qualification | Flight Crew Air Transport Pilot (ATP) |
Events | |
Anomaly | ATC Issue All Types Conflict Ground Conflict Less Severe Deviation - Procedural Clearance Ground Incursion Taxiway |
This report is in regards to radio transmissions exchanged between us and newark ground. We contacted ewr ground at the ramp; short of taxiway rb. We were told to give way to our company aircraft taxing into the ramp and thereafter taxi via rb; B; right for departure from runway 22R. I repeated the taxi instruction and we began our taxi. As we were taxing around the bend; we were informed that aircraft coming on taxiway C will hold and 'gives way' to us. I repeated this back and we continued our taxi. As we were approaching the intersection of B and rd; we were yelled at to stop and 'give way' to aircraft Y (aircraft on rd; short of B). The captain immediately stopped the aircraft. We were never given any instruction to hold short of rd; nor were we told to 'give way' to aircraft Y coming out of rd at any time. The ground controller then proceeded to criticize us for taxing too fast. This is completely untrue. Our taxi speed was very normal. At this point; we decided it was best to hold our current position until being further advised from ground. At this point; a completely different ground controller's voice was on the radio and he asked us why we're not following aircraft Y. The captain got on the mike and informed the controller that we were initially told to taxi to runway 22R; then later asked to abruptly stop short of rd for an aircraft; and so we were waiting for the next step. The previous controller who had criticized us immediately got back on the radio and told us that we were taxing '80 miles an hour' and that we should have followed his taxi instructions. His tone was condescending to say the least. The captain told him that we weren't taxing fast at all; that we had never received any instruction from him to give way to any aircraft; and that he maybe should take a break. Our taxi instruction was to taxi all the way to 22R/west. The new controller who I presume was actually there to relieve the irate controller got back on the radio and told us to go ahead and taxi to runway 22R via B; west. I repeated this back to him and we continued without any incident. At no point were we given a clearance to hold or give way to any aircraft coming out from rd; or from anywhere else for that matter. The controller was obviously overworked and was certainly in the wrong for criticizing us for not following instructions. If it does go so far; there is no doubt that the tapes will certainly coincide with this detailed story of what happened that evening.the only threat was that there was potential for an undesired state during our taxi. It was averted and carefully managed well before there were any issues. The error was on ATC's part and proper taxing instructions should be given to airplanes.as always; we as pilots should always be vigilant. We must be alert and attentive to our surroundings and be ready to minimize threats at all times.
Original NASA ASRS Text
Title: Pilot describes being issued taxi instructions; following them; then being chastised by the Ground Controller for not following an aircraft as instructed. Pilot advised ATC they were never told to follow any aircraft.
Narrative: This report is in regards to radio transmissions exchanged between us and Newark Ground. We contacted EWR Ground at the ramp; short of taxiway RB. We were told to give way to our Company aircraft taxing into the ramp and thereafter taxi via RB; B; R for departure from Runway 22R. I repeated the taxi instruction and we began our taxi. As we were taxing around the bend; we were informed that aircraft coming on Taxiway C will hold and 'gives way' to us. I repeated this back and we continued our taxi. As we were approaching the intersection of B and RD; we were yelled at to stop and 'give way' to Aircraft Y (Aircraft on RD; short of B). The Captain immediately stopped the aircraft. We were never given any instruction to hold short of RD; nor were we told to 'Give way' to Aircraft Y coming out of RD at any time. The ground controller then proceeded to criticize us for taxing too fast. This is completely untrue. Our taxi speed was very normal. At this point; we decided it was best to hold our current position until being further advised from Ground. At this point; a completely different ground controller's voice was on the radio and he asked us why we're not following Aircraft Y. The Captain got on the mike and informed the controller that we were initially told to taxi to runway 22R; then later asked to abruptly stop short of RD for an aircraft; and so we were waiting for the next step. The previous controller who had criticized us immediately got back on the radio and told us that we were taxing '80 miles an hour' and that we should have followed his taxi instructions. His tone was condescending to say the least. The Captain told him that we weren't taxing fast at all; that we had never received any instruction from him to give way to any aircraft; and that he maybe should take a break. Our taxi instruction was to taxi all the way to 22R/W. The new controller who I presume was actually there to relieve the irate controller got back on the radio and told us to go ahead and taxi to Runway 22R via B; W. I repeated this back to him and we continued without any incident. At no point were we given a clearance to hold or give way to any aircraft coming out from RD; or from anywhere else for that matter. The controller was obviously overworked and was certainly in the wrong for criticizing us for not following instructions. If it does go so far; there is no doubt that the tapes will certainly coincide with this detailed story of what happened that evening.The only threat was that there was potential for an undesired state during our taxi. It was averted and carefully managed well before there were any issues. The error was on ATC's part and proper taxing instructions should be given to airplanes.As always; we as Pilots should always be vigilant. We must be alert and attentive to our surroundings and be ready to minimize threats at all times.
Data retrieved from NASA's ASRS site and automatically converted to unabbreviated mixed upper/lowercase text. This report is for informational purposes with no guarantee of accuracy. See NASA's ASRS site for official report.