
While taxiing off of 27L; we were instructed to exit on runway 22R; and taxi A1-B to the the ramp. However; upon exiting the runway; I took H instead of A1; since there was no signage and no time to reference the taxi chart during a high speed runway exit/taxi. ATC seemed aware that we used H instead of A1; but did not seem to mind since we returned to the appropriate traffic primary safety concern is that it was impossible for me to identify the taxiway due to lack of signage from exiting the runway from our position. Hotspot 1 did not apply to our particular situation. Lack of taxiway signage; or inadequate signage lead to deviation from ATC clearance. Unable to brief lack of signage and unable to prepare for exiting runway from unforeseen circumstances that lead to unfamiliar taxi routes. I recommend additional signage be placed to appropriately identify taxiways from runway exits.


Original NASA ASRS Text

Title: EMB145 Captain is instructed to exit Runway 27L ORD after landing on Runway 22R and taxi via A1 and B to the gate. A1 cannot be quickly located due to lack of signage and H is used instead; without comment from ATC.

Narrative: While taxiing off of 27L; we were instructed to exit on Runway 22R; and taxi A1-B to the the ramp. However; upon exiting the runway; I took H instead of A1; since there was no signage and no time to reference the taxi chart during a high speed runway exit/taxi. ATC seemed aware that we used H instead of A1; but did not seem to mind since we returned to the appropriate traffic flow.My primary safety concern is that it was impossible for me to identify the taxiway due to lack of signage from exiting the runway from our position. Hotspot 1 did not apply to our particular situation. Lack of taxiway signage; or inadequate signage lead to deviation from ATC clearance. Unable to brief lack of signage and unable to prepare for exiting runway from unforeseen circumstances that lead to unfamiliar taxi routes. I recommend additional signage be placed to appropriately identify taxiways from runway exits.

Data retrieved from NASA's ASRS site and automatically converted to unabbreviated mixed upper/lowercase text. This report is for informational purposes with no guarantee of accuracy. See NASA's ASRS site for official report.