
While on the takeoff roll on runway 16 at airport ZZZ we experienced an engine rollback at approximately 95 KIAS. Upon discovering the engine rollback; I commanded the pilot flying to abort the takeoff. I then advised ATC that we were aborting on the runway. At this point I wasn't completely sure what had just happened because I didn't hear or see anything that would obviously indicate an engine failure (red annunciator lights; loud bangs etc.) and when tower inquired as to what had happened; I first said; I'd get back to them as to the nature of our abort. Tower then instructed us to exit the runway onto taxiway X and taxi to the FBO. After clear of the runway; I took a moment to scan the annunciator panel and discovered the number 2 engine computer indicated that it had failed. I advised tower that it was an engine computer issue and that we'd not need any further assistance. We contacted ground control and taxied to FBO uneventfully then contacted flight tracking and maintenance control to coordinate our flight cancellation and repairs.


Original NASA ASRS Text

Title: HS 125-800 experienced an engine rollback during takeoff resulting in a high speed rejected takeoff. This was caused by an engine computer failure.

Narrative: While on the takeoff roll on runway 16 at Airport ZZZ we experienced an engine rollback at approximately 95 KIAS. Upon discovering the engine rollback; I commanded the pilot flying to abort the takeoff. I then advised ATC that we were aborting on the runway. At this point I wasn't completely sure what had just happened because I didn't hear or see anything that would obviously indicate an engine failure (red annunciator lights; loud bangs etc.) and when tower inquired as to what had happened; I first said; I'd get back to them as to the nature of our abort. Tower then instructed us to exit the runway onto taxiway X and taxi to the FBO. After clear of the runway; I took a moment to scan the annunciator panel and discovered the number 2 engine computer indicated that it had failed. I advised tower that it was an engine computer issue and that we'd not need any further assistance. We contacted ground control and taxied to FBO uneventfully then contacted flight tracking and maintenance control to coordinate our flight cancellation and repairs.

Data retrieved from NASA's ASRS site and automatically converted to unabbreviated mixed upper/lowercase text. This report is for informational purposes with no guarantee of accuracy. See NASA's ASRS site for official report.