
Aircraft X was being worked by me eastbound and checked on VFR. The controller told me (next to me) verbally he was climbing from 16;500 feet to 17;500 feet VFR. I amended the altitude and then when he checked on I told him about precipitation intensities to the southeast and asked about the tops. I made a point out to sector 31 a little bit later and she said 'what is that guy doing?' I commented about cmh approach running the departures too far west and she said; 'no the VFR aircraft X'. I hung up and went immediately to the aircraft to verify mode C as I saw 18;700 feet. He verified the altitude and I told him that you cannot be in the positive control area above FL180. He stated that he needed an IFR clearance for this part of the flight and I gave him a clearance to maintain FL190. Later when I switched aircraft X I advised him that he got the attention of two fellow controllers that were watching him on their boundary and my supervisor and told him he can't do that anymore. I think he knew better and indicated such.alert the pilot of non-compliance should be sufficient.


Original NASA ASRS Text

Title: ZID controller was working a VFR aircraft at 17;500 feet. While coordinating with a neighboring sector; another Controller inquired about the VFR aircraft which was now observed to be at 18;700 feet in the PCA. Reporter then advised the VFR aircraft that they cannot be in the PCA and issued a subsequent clearance.

Narrative: Aircraft X was being worked by me eastbound and checked on VFR. The controller told me (next to me) verbally he was climbing from 16;500 feet to 17;500 feet VFR. I amended the altitude and then when he checked on I told him about precipitation intensities to the SE and asked about the tops. I made a point out to Sector 31 a little bit later and she said 'What is that guy doing?' I commented about CMH approach running the departures too far West and she said; 'No the VFR Aircraft X'. I hung up and went immediately to the aircraft to verify mode C as I saw 18;700 feet. He verified the altitude and I told him that you cannot be in the PCA above FL180. He stated that he needed an IFR clearance for this part of the flight and I gave him a clearance to maintain FL190. Later when I switched Aircraft X I advised him that he got the attention of two fellow controllers that were watching him on their boundary and my Supervisor and told him he can't do that anymore. I think he knew better and indicated such.Alert the pilot of non-compliance should be sufficient.

Data retrieved from NASA's ASRS site and automatically converted to unabbreviated mixed upper/lowercase text. This report is for informational purposes with no guarantee of accuracy. See NASA's ASRS site for official report.