37000 Feet | Browse and search NASA's Aviation Safety Reporting System |
Attributes | |
ACN | 1295641 |
Time | |
Date | 201509 |
Local Time Of Day | 1801-2400 |
Place | |
Locale Reference | ZZZ.Tower |
State Reference | US |
Environment | |
Flight Conditions | VMC |
Light | Night |
Aircraft 1 | |
Make Model Name | Small Transport |
Operating Under FAR Part | Part 135 |
Flight Phase | Taxi |
Route In Use | None |
Flight Plan | VFR |
Person 1 | |
Function | Ground |
Qualification | Air Traffic Control Fully Certified |
Experience | Air Traffic Control Time Certified In Pos 1 (yrs) 0.5 |
Events | |
Anomaly | ATC Issue All Types Conflict Ground Conflict Less Severe Deviation - Procedural Clearance Deviation - Procedural Published Material / Policy Ground Incursion Taxiway |
I was working ground control; controller in charge; and clearance when aircraft X exited runway xxl at taxiway X. Taxiway X was being used for dump truck crossings north of runway xxr. I had recently taken ground control from previous controller who told me on the 2 minute overlap to 'stay off taxiway X' which was obvious to me because of the volume of dump trucks calling me to cross there. The airport did not place cones or barricades to restrict crossing so I thought we were just avoiding using it; not that taxiway X was notamed closed. I saw aircraft X clearing the active runway at taxiway X and attempted to mitigate the situation when a dump truck called for a crossing from taxiway Y to taxiway X; so I had the truck hold his position. I wasn't talking to the aircraft yet and did not know where he was going. I asked local; who was very busy too; to put the aircraft X on my frequency. Shortly thereafter aircraft X checked on at taxiway X. It appeared to me he was still crossing runway xxr; which was closed due to the dump trucks working on the infield beside it. There were no vehicles on taxiway X and I was holding the truck out of the way; so I projected the quickest way to solve the situation was to allow the aircraft x to continue across runway xxr; taxiway X and taxiway Y to parking. I didn't chastise the pilot and I went about my work. Later; I wondered if the ATIS had taxiway X closure on it so I listened and found that it did. I am writing this report a week later after coming to work after my days off and told to write a statement on this event by the supervisor; that either the airport or management was filing a pilot deviation on aircraft X. I had a chance to listen to the tape and only then did I hear the aircraft X say he was short of runway xxr on taxiway X. At the time of the event; it looked like he was rolling right on through. If I'd known he was stopped/stopping; I would have turned him on runway xxr to and crossed there. At the time of the event; I thought aircraft X was coming on through at taxiway X so I just kept the trucks out of the way. Leading to the event were many factors: airport partially closing a taxiway but not putting up barricades or visual cues. I was told; after the fact; on the overlap from preceding controller 'to stay off taxiway X.' I didn't project it closed to aircraft at the time of the incident - mostly that I need to avoid using it to keep dump trucks moving there. Local had been clearing everyone at taxiway Y and I thought he told the aircraft X to turn at taxiway Y so when he was rolling on taxiway X I felt I tried to get local to catch him; and in the meanwhile; I kept other vehicles away from him until I could talk to him. I was answering phones; clearance requests; and dozens upon dozens of ridiculous crossing requests from 8 or more vehicles to cross taxiway X to taxiway Y and vice versa. The vehicles were dominating my frequency; overkeying aircraft; blocking aircraft on clearance and they were a total distraction. I could hear the exasperation in my voice on the tapes as I was already tired of these guys just 1/2 hour into my shift and felt helpless as the aircraft X was heading their way. I feel bad that the airport is going after this pilot - even more so now that I learn that I had a chance to turn him and avoid the taxiway X crossing north of runway xxr I was so task saturated when it happened; I thought it was too late to turn the aircraft X. I also work the majority of my shifts in the radar room. I cannot remember the last time I worked ground control; let alone busy ground control. I felt like I was still spooling up since I had to hit the ground running when I took over the position.airport should have put cones or barricades across echo on runway xxr to indicate a closed taxiway. That would have removed any ambiguity in my mind and the pilots'. Airport should do construction overnight instead of during the middle part of our busiest days. Airportshould never have removed all the vegetation fro runway safety area; leading to horrible blowing dust problems for two years; only to try and fix it with tacifyer (whatever that is) then hydroseed (which immediately died because there's no water in the high desert at 100 degrees in the summer) and finally this latest band-aid fix of dumping rock on the desert by the runway to try and fix the original problem they made by scraping everything green off the airport.
Original NASA ASRS Text
Title: An aircraft entered a NOTAM closed taxiway. The Local Controller had been advising aircraft to exit the runway at a taxiway other than the closed one. The Ground Controller was able to tell vehicles to hold short of the taxiway to prevent a confliction with the aircraft.
Narrative: I was working ground control; controller in charge; and clearance when Aircraft X exited Runway XXL at Taxiway X. Taxiway X was being used for dump truck crossings north of Runway XXR. I had recently taken ground control from previous controller who told me on the 2 minute overlap to 'stay off Taxiway X' which was obvious to me because of the volume of dump trucks calling me to cross there. The airport did not place cones or barricades to restrict crossing so I thought we were just avoiding using it; not that Taxiway X was NOTAMed closed. I saw Aircraft X clearing the active runway at Taxiway X and attempted to mitigate the situation when a dump truck called for a crossing from Taxiway Y to Taxiway X; so I had the truck hold his position. I wasn't talking to the aircraft yet and did not know where he was going. I asked local; who was very busy too; to put the Aircraft X on my frequency. Shortly thereafter Aircraft X checked on at Taxiway X. It appeared to me he was still crossing Runway XXR; which was closed due to the dump trucks working on the infield beside it. there were no vehicles on Taxiway X and I was holding the truck out of the way; so I projected the quickest way to solve the situation was to allow the Aircraft x to continue across Runway XXR; Taxiway X and Taxiway Y to parking. I didn't chastise the pilot and I went about my work. Later; I wondered if the ATIS had Taxiway X closure on it so I listened and found that it did. I am writing this report a week later after coming to work after my days off and told to write a statement on this event by the supervisor; that either the airport or management was filing a pilot deviation on Aircraft X. I had a chance to listen to the tape and only then did I hear the Aircraft X say he was short of Runway XXR on Taxiway X. At the time of the event; it looked like he was rolling right on through. If I'd known he was stopped/stopping; I would have turned him on Runway XXR to and crossed there. At the time of the event; I thought Aircraft X was coming on through at Taxiway X so I just kept the trucks out of the way. Leading to the event were many factors: airport partially closing a taxiway but not putting up barricades or visual cues. I was told; after the fact; on the overlap from preceding controller 'to stay off Taxiway X.' I didn't project it closed to aircraft at the time of the incident - mostly that I need to avoid using it to keep dump trucks moving there. Local had been clearing everyone at Taxiway Y and I thought he told the Aircraft X to turn at Taxiway Y so when he was rolling on Taxiway X I felt I tried to get local to catch him; and in the meanwhile; I kept other vehicles away from him until I could talk to him. I was answering phones; clearance requests; and dozens upon dozens of ridiculous crossing requests from 8 or more vehicles to cross Taxiway X to Taxiway Y and vice versa. The vehicles were dominating my frequency; overkeying aircraft; blocking aircraft on clearance and they were a total distraction. I could hear the exasperation in my voice on the tapes as I was already tired of these guys just 1/2 hour into my shift and felt helpless as the Aircraft X was heading their way. I feel bad that the airport is going after this pilot - even more so now that I learn that I had a chance to turn him and avoid the Taxiway X crossing north of Runway XXR I was so task saturated when it happened; I thought it was too late to turn the Aircraft X. I also work the majority of my shifts in the radar room. I cannot remember the last time I worked ground control; let alone busy ground control. I felt like I was still spooling up since I had to hit the ground running when I took over the position.Airport should have put cones or barricades across echo on Runway XXR to indicate a closed taxiway. That would have removed any ambiguity in my mind and the pilots'. Airport should do construction overnight instead of during the middle part of our busiest days. airportshould never have removed all the vegetation fro runway safety area; leading to horrible blowing dust problems for two years; only to try and fix it with tacifyer (whatever that is) then hydroseed (which immediately died because there's no water in the high desert at 100 degrees in the summer) and finally this latest band-aid fix of dumping rock on the desert by the runway to try and fix the original problem they made by scraping everything green off the airport.
Data retrieved from NASA's ASRS site and automatically converted to unabbreviated mixed upper/lowercase text. This report is for informational purposes with no guarantee of accuracy. See NASA's ASRS site for official report.