
Working satellite sectors combined; moderate workload and volume; relief briefing in progress. As I vectored aircraft X on a base leg heading for the ILS approach; I noticed VFR traffic just northeast of the aircraft's localizer climbing through 2000 feet. As VFR aircraft in this area often conflict with our IFR arrivals; as soon as I noticed the target I issued aircraft X a heading of 130 to parallel the localizer until the traffic was clear. Aircraft X cleared the traffic and was reissued a heading to join and an approach clearance. Aircraft X subsequently landed without incident.this is another report of a continued problem within our airspace. Please reference my previous reports.something needs to change. The VFR aircraft are transiting a very narrow; busy corridor of airspace and are doing so without any communication with ATC. It is simply unsafe. The VFR aircraft in this area at the very least need to be in communication with ATC so that we can assign; as necessary; altitude restrictions ensuring the safety of all the aircraft involved. The solutions are not hard and while they are potentially more restrictive to VFR aircraft the bottom line is that what happens day in and day out in that airspace as it exists and operates now will eventually result in a very bad accident.


Original NASA ASRS Text

Title: S46 TRACON Controller reported an aircraft being vectored for an ILS Approach had conflicting VFR traffic climbing through the localizer course. The Controller had to vector the ILS aircraft off the approach to maintain separation.

Narrative: Working satellite sectors combined; moderate workload and volume; relief briefing in progress. As I vectored Aircraft X on a base leg heading for the ILS approach; I noticed VFR traffic just northeast of the aircraft's localizer climbing through 2000 feet. As VFR aircraft in this area often conflict with our IFR arrivals; as soon as I noticed the target I issued Aircraft X a heading of 130 to parallel the localizer until the traffic was clear. Aircraft X cleared the traffic and was reissued a heading to join and an approach clearance. Aircraft X subsequently landed without incident.This is another report of a continued problem within our airspace. Please reference my previous reports.Something needs to change. The VFR aircraft are transiting a very narrow; busy corridor of airspace and are doing so without any communication with ATC. It is simply unsafe. The VFR aircraft in this area at the very least need to be in communication with ATC so that we can assign; as necessary; altitude restrictions ensuring the safety of all the aircraft involved. The solutions are not hard and while they are potentially more restrictive to VFR aircraft the bottom line is that what happens day in and day out in that airspace as it exists and operates now will eventually result in a very bad accident.

Data retrieved from NASA's ASRS site and automatically converted to unabbreviated mixed upper/lowercase text. This report is for informational purposes with no guarantee of accuracy. See NASA's ASRS site for official report.