37000 Feet | Browse and search NASA's Aviation Safety Reporting System |
Attributes | |
ACN | 1390000 |
Time | |
Date | 201609 |
Local Time Of Day | 1801-2400 |
Place | |
Locale Reference | FWA.Airport |
State Reference | IN |
Environment | |
Flight Conditions | VMC |
Aircraft 1 | |
Make Model Name | Large Transport |
Operating Under FAR Part | Part 121 |
Flight Phase | Initial Approach |
Flight Plan | IFR |
Person 1 | |
Function | Pilot Flying Captain |
Qualification | Flight Crew Air Transport Pilot (ATP) |
Events | |
Anomaly | Deviation - Procedural Published Material / Policy |
Missing notams for iaps not available during RWY23 construction (shortening) at fwa.I operate into fwa frequently (at night); and our preferred landing runway is runway 23; however with the recent notamed shortening of runway 23 I had been avoiding it when better options were available; such as RWY05; RWY14; or RWY32 (in numerical order). Then; with the more recent closing of RWY14/32 I realized the prospect of having to land RWY23 if winds were out of limits for RWY05; possibly in night IMC conditions; so a plan to safely and legally operate in that situation was needed. Runway 23 was originally 11;981 long; but notamed 'fwa runway 05/23 northeast 1681FT clsd. Declared dist: runway 23 lda 8480FT. 1609xxxa55-1610xxxn00'. While there's a discrepancy in the math of 'northeast 1681FT clsd' of an 11981 ft runway (10300 remaining?); and 'lda 8480FT'; it appears the threshold has been displaced approximately 3500 ft (0.6 NM). Additionally; the RWY23 PAPI is notamed OTS until 1610xxxn00.consulting our fom (flight operations manual) there appeared to be no restriction on landing RWY23 with the control tower open (24/7). The problem would be navigating a cda (continuous descent approach) to the shortened runway's touchdown zone (with displaced threshold) using an RNAV (GPS) RWY23 approach with published glidepath to the original (full-length) threshold's touchdown zone. Our company flight manual (phb) does not allow a level flight segment at minimums; so it appeared the only approved method for this IAP would be 'final approach using V/south' to the MDA (dda); and calculating a new vdp of 0.7 NM (old vdp of 1.3 to old threshold minus 0.6 NM displacement; yields 0.7 NM from old threshold [which can be read on map display] equals 1.3 NM to displaced threshold). With the PAPI OTS; the HUD's -3.00 fpa would be used for visual backup of the vdp.given the complexity of the procedure; I wanted to practice it in VMC before it became necessary in IMC. ATIS reported weather '9SM clear' and visual approach RWY05; but with winds within limits for landing RWY23; on initial contact with fwa approach we requested (and were granted) direct akews (FAF) for a planned visual approach to RWY23. Approximately 15 NM east of fwa and unable to see the airport due to an observed 'overcast' (undercast) layer below us. I queried ATC if the current weather was different than the ATIS; and I believe the response was there was now a scattered layer at 2200 ft. Considering that a visual approach might not be possible; we requested direct slydr (IAF) for the RNAV (GPS) RWY23. ATC advised that neither the RNAV (GPS) RWY23 nor the VOR RW23 was available due to the RWY23 shortening. This was the first we'd heard of it! Wondering if we overlooked a NOTAM; we queried ATC if one was published; and the reply was; 'there should be one'. (Postflight we double checked; and again found none stating anything about RWY23 iaps.)we continued towards akews and the possibility of finding VMC for the visual approach; but approaching akews and now IMC at 2;600 MSL; we requested vectors for the RNAV (GPS) RWY05 (as ILS RWY05 was also OTS). Reported weather as we touched down: kfwa XXXA47Z 04012KT 8SM BKN014; considerably different than forecast or previously reported!I'm surprised an airport such as fwa (with air carrier operations) would have such degraded facilities. There are currently no operating ILS approaches; and neither of the two runways (5 and 23) have any sort of vgsi (VASI or PAPI). With the RWY23 shortening lasting over a month; wouldn't some sort of temporary vgsi (plasi?) be appropriate? I'm also concerned that no notams for RWY23 iaps have made it into our company's flight planning system; if such notams even exist.I've contacted our company 'duty officer' who will forward my concerns to our flight safety department. I'm told they will look into issuing a 'company NOTAM' and query fwa ATC regarding the missing notams for RWY23 iaps.for reference; the kfwa weather and notams ----------------------- observations -----------------------kfwa XXXB54Z 01004KT 10SM SCT120 BKN250 23/18 A3006 rmk AO2 SLP176 T02330183 =kfwa XXXA54Z 01007KT 10SM BKN120 BKN250 25/19 A3005 rmk AO2 SLP172 T02500189 =------------------------- forecast -------------------------taf amd kfwa XXXC39Z 2400/2424 02006KT P6SM SCT100 BKN200 FMXXXG00 05006KT P6SM BKN020 FMXXXL00 06006KT P6SM OVC015 tempo XXXM/XXXO 4SM br OVC008 fmxxxr 08008KT P6SM BKN025 = -------------------------- NOTAMS --------------------------lido chart notams-----------------lido chart notams have been retired to request jeppesen chart change notices for any airport or fir use http://www.jetplan.com/weather/html/text/ccnadhocform.shtml domestic notams---------------fwa 09/072 fwa runway 32 PAPI out of service fwa 09/071 fwa runway 14/32 clsd fwa 09/055 fwa runway 32 ALS out of service fwa 09/025 fwa runway 23 hldg psn sign south side not lgtd fwa 09/024 fwa runway 05 hldg psn sign south side not lgtd fwa 09/023 fwa runway 05 hldg psn sign north side not lgtd fwa 09/022 fwa runway 05/23 northeast 1681FT clsd. Declared dist: runway 05 tora 8480FT toda 8480FT asda 8480FT lda 8480FT. Runway 23 tora 8480FT toda 8480FT asda 8480FT lda 8480FT. Fwa 09/018 fwa runway 32 hldg psn sign west side for runway 05/23 not lgtd fwa 09/015 fwa runway 14 hldg psn sign west side for runway 05/23 not lgtd fwa 09/016 fwa runway 14 hldg psn sign northeast side for runway 05/23 not lgtd fwa 09/011 fwa runway 23 declared dist: tora 8480FT toda 8480FT asda 8480FT lda 8480FT. Fwa 09/012 fwa runway 05 declared dist: tora 8480FT toda 8480FT asda 8480FT lda 8480FT. Fwa 09/010 fwa runway 05 rtzl out of service fwa 09/009 fwa runway 05/23 rcll out of service fwa 08/143 fwa runway 23 PAPI out of service fwa 08/117 fwa runway 14 PAPI out of service fwa 09/100 fwa twy Y5 hldg psn sign for runway 14/32 not lgtd fwa 09/099 fwa twy Y5 clsd fwa 09/096 fwa twy M clsd fwa 09/095 fwa twy C1 clsd fwa 09/093 fwa twy C hldg psn sign southeast side btn runway 14/32 and twy Y not lgtd fwa 09/092 fwa twy C hldg psn sign west side btn runway 14/32 and twy G not lgtd fwa 09/090 fwa twy G4 hldg psn sign for runway 14/32 west side not lgtd fwa 09/089 fwa twy Y4 hldg psn sign west side for runway 14/32 not lgtd fwa 09/088 fwa twy Y4 hldg psn sign east side for runway 14/32 not lgtd fwa 09/087 fwa twy Y hldg psn sign southeast side for runway 05/23 not lgtd fwa 09/084 fwa twy D clsd fwa 09/081 fwa twy Y btn twy Y1 and twy Y3 clsd fwa 09/080 fwa twy C btn twy G and runway 14/32 clsd fwa 09/077 fwa twy Y1; Y2; Y3 clsd fwa 09/034 fwa twy south clsd lgtd and barricaded fwa 09/020 fwa twy C1 hldg psn sign for runway 05/23 not lgtd fwa 09/014 fwa twy Y hldg psn sign west side for runway 05/23 not lgtd fwa 09/013 fwa twy Y hldg psn sign east side for rw Y 05/23 not lgtd fwa 09/005 fwa twy C hldg psn sign east side for runway 14/32 large transport out of service fwa 09/004 fwa twy M hldg psn sign for approach end runway 23 not lgtd fwa 08/168 fwa twy Y edge markings btn twy Y4 and north ramp not standard fwa 08/165 fwa twy Y cl markings for runway 05/23 not standard fwa 08/145 fwa twy G direction sign btn twy K and twy G4 not standard fwa 08/144 fwa twy G4 twy direction sign not standard fwa 09/073 fwa ad ap windcone for runway 32 large transport out of service fwa 09/074 fwa ad ap windcone for runway 14 large transport out of service fwa 09/003 fwa ad ap windcone for runway 23 large transport out of service fwa 08/130 fwa obst rig (asn unknown) 405927n0851140w (0.4NM southeast approach end runway 14) 881FT (75FT AGL) flagged and lgtd fwa 08/063 fwa obst crane (asn unknown) 410004n0851148w (1.37NM north fwa) 934FT (140FT AGL) flagged thu fri sat mon tue wed XA00-XJ00 fwa 09/054 fwa navigation ILS runway 32 out of service fwa 08/133 fwa navigation ILS runway 05 out of service fwa 09/032 fwa navigation vot out of service -permfwa 10/040 fwa navigation ILS runway 32 OM decommissioned -permfwa 09/109 fwa service tar/ssr out of service fdc notams----------nonemilitary notams---------------nonelocal notams------------nonecompany notams--------------none------------------------------------------------------------additionally; here is kfwa weather before and after our arrival:kfwa XXXG54Z 05011KT 10SM OVC016 21/18 A3012 rmk AO2 SLP193 T02110183KFWA XXXG28Z 04010KT 9SM BKN016 21/18 A3012 rmk AO2 T02110183KFWA XXXF54Z 05009KT 8SM BKN014 21/18 A3012 rmk AO2 SLP192 T02110183 53014KFWA XXXF47Z 04012KT 8SM BKN014 21/19 A3011 rmk AO2 T02110189KFWA XXXE54Z 03011KT 9SM clear 22/19 A3010 rmk AO2 SLP186 T02220194KFWA XXXD54Z 35004KT 10SM clear 22/18 A3008 rmk AO2 SLP182 T02220183KFWA XXXC54Z 36004KT 10SM FEW140 SCT250 22/18 A3007 rmk AO2 SLP180 T02220183 10306 20222 53009KFWA XXXB54Z 01004KT 10SM SCT120 BKN250 23/18 A3006 rmk AO2 SLP176 T02330183
Original NASA ASRS Text
Title: Air Carrier Captain reported that during construction a FWA; with Runways 14/32 closed and the first 1681 feet of Runway 23 closed; the RNAV (GPS) may not be suitable for some operators due to the requirement for a continuous descent approach and the displaced threshold.
Narrative: Missing NOTAMs for IAPs NOT AVAILABLE during RWY23 Construction (Shortening) at FWA.I operate into FWA frequently (at night); and our preferred landing runway is RWY 23; however with the recent NOTAMed shortening of RWY 23 I had been avoiding it when better options were available; such as RWY05; RWY14; or RWY32 (in numerical order). Then; with the more recent closing of RWY14/32 I realized the prospect of having to land RWY23 if winds were out of limits for RWY05; possibly in Night IMC conditions; so a plan to safely and legally operate in that situation was needed. RWY 23 was originally 11;981 long; but NOTAMed 'FWA RWY 05/23 NE 1681FT CLSD. DECLARED DIST: RWY 23 LDA 8480FT. 1609XXXA55-1610XXXN00'. While there's a discrepancy in the math of 'NE 1681FT CLSD' of an 11981 ft RWY (10300 remaining?); and 'LDA 8480FT'; it appears the threshold has been displaced approximately 3500 ft (0.6 NM). Additionally; the RWY23 PAPI is NOTAMed OTS until 1610XXXN00.Consulting our FOM (Flight Operations Manual) there appeared to be no restriction on landing RWY23 with the Control Tower open (24/7). The problem would be navigating a CDA (Continuous Descent Approach) to the shortened runway's touchdown zone (with displaced threshold) using an RNAV (GPS) RWY23 approach with published glidepath to the original (full-length) threshold's touchdown zone. Our Company Flight Manual (PHB) does not allow a level flight segment at minimums; so it appeared the only approved method for this IAP would be 'Final Approach Using V/S' to the MDA (DDA); and calculating a new VDP of 0.7 NM (Old VDP of 1.3 to old threshold minus 0.6 NM displacement; yields 0.7 NM from old threshold [which can be read on MAP display] equals 1.3 NM to displaced threshold). With the PAPI OTS; the HUD's -3.00 FPA would be used for visual backup of the VDP.Given the complexity of the procedure; I wanted to practice it in VMC before it became necessary in IMC. ATIS reported weather '9SM CLR' and Visual Approach RWY05; but with winds within limits for landing RWY23; on initial contact with FWA Approach we requested (and were granted) direct AKEWS (FAF) for a planned visual approach to RWY23. Approximately 15 NM east of FWA and unable to see the airport due to an observed 'overcast' (undercast) layer below us. I queried ATC if the current weather was different than the ATIS; and I believe the response was there was now a scattered layer at 2200 ft. Considering that a visual approach might not be possible; we requested direct SLYDR (IAF) for the RNAV (GPS) RWY23. ATC advised that neither the RNAV (GPS) RWY23 nor the VOR RW23 was available due to the RWY23 shortening. This was the first we'd heard of it! Wondering if we overlooked a NOTAM; we queried ATC if one was published; and the reply was; 'there should be one'. (Postflight we double checked; and again found NONE stating anything about RWY23 IAPs.)We continued towards AKEWS and the possibility of finding VMC for the visual approach; but approaching AKEWS and now IMC at 2;600 MSL; we requested vectors for the RNAV (GPS) RWY05 (as ILS RWY05 was also OTS). Reported weather as we touched down: KFWA XXXA47Z 04012KT 8SM BKN014; considerably different than forecast or previously reported!I'm surprised an airport such as FWA (with air carrier operations) would have such degraded facilities. There are currently NO operating ILS approaches; and neither of the two runways (5 and 23) have any sort of VGSI (VASI or PAPI). With the RWY23 shortening lasting over a month; wouldn't some sort of temporary VGSI (PLASI?) be appropriate? I'm also concerned that NO NOTAMs for RWY23 IAPs have made it into our company's flight planning system; if such NOTAMs even exist.I've contacted our company 'Duty Officer' who will forward my concerns to our Flight Safety department. I'm told they will look into issuing a 'Company NOTAM' and query FWA ATC regarding the missing NOTAMs for RWY23 IAPs.For reference; the KFWA Weather and NOTAMs ----------------------- OBSERVATIONS -----------------------KFWA XXXB54Z 01004KT 10SM SCT120 BKN250 23/18 A3006 RMK AO2 SLP176 T02330183 =KFWA XXXA54Z 01007KT 10SM BKN120 BKN250 25/19 A3005 RMK AO2 SLP172 T02500189 =------------------------- FORECAST -------------------------TAF AMD KFWA XXXC39Z 2400/2424 02006KT P6SM SCT100 BKN200 FMXXXG00 05006KT P6SM BKN020 FMXXXL00 06006KT P6SM OVC015 TEMPO XXXM/XXXO 4SM BR OVC008 FMXXXR 08008KT P6SM BKN025 = -------------------------- NOTAMS --------------------------LIDO Chart NOTAMs-----------------LIDO Chart NOTAMs have been retired To request Jeppesen Chart Change Notices for any airport or FIR use http://www.jetplan.com/weather/html/text/CCNAdHocForm.shtml Domestic NOTAMs---------------FWA 09/072 FWA RWY 32 PAPI OUT OF SERVICE FWA 09/071 FWA RWY 14/32 CLSD FWA 09/055 FWA RWY 32 ALS OUT OF SERVICE FWA 09/025 FWA RWY 23 HLDG PSN SIGN S SIDE NOT LGTD FWA 09/024 FWA RWY 05 HLDG PSN SIGN S SIDE NOT LGTD FWA 09/023 FWA RWY 05 HLDG PSN SIGN N SIDE NOT LGTD FWA 09/022 FWA RWY 05/23 NE 1681FT CLSD. DECLARED DIST: RWY 05 TORA 8480FT TODA 8480FT ASDA 8480FT LDA 8480FT. RWY 23 TORA 8480FT TODA 8480FT ASDA 8480FT LDA 8480FT. FWA 09/018 FWA RWY 32 HLDG PSN SIGN W SIDE FOR RWY 05/23 NOT LGTD FWA 09/015 FWA RWY 14 HLDG PSN SIGN W SIDE FOR RWY 05/23 NOT LGTD FWA 09/016 FWA RWY 14 HLDG PSN SIGN NE SIDE FOR RWY 05/23 NOT LGTD FWA 09/011 FWA RWY 23 DECLARED DIST: TORA 8480FT TODA 8480FT ASDA 8480FT LDA 8480FT. FWA 09/012 FWA RWY 05 DECLARED DIST: TORA 8480FT TODA 8480FT ASDA 8480FT LDA 8480FT. FWA 09/010 FWA RWY 05 RTZL OUT OF SERVICE FWA 09/009 FWA RWY 05/23 RCLL OUT OF SERVICE FWA 08/143 FWA RWY 23 PAPI OUT OF SERVICE FWA 08/117 FWA RWY 14 PAPI OUT OF SERVICE FWA 09/100 FWA TWY Y5 HLDG PSN SIGN FOR RWY 14/32 NOT LGTD FWA 09/099 FWA TWY Y5 CLSD FWA 09/096 FWA TWY M CLSD FWA 09/095 FWA TWY C1 CLSD FWA 09/093 FWA TWY C HLDG PSN SIGN SOUTHEAST SIDE BTN RWY 14/32 AND TWY Y NOT LGTD FWA 09/092 FWA TWY C HLDG PSN SIGN WEST SIDE BTN RWY 14/32 AND TWY G NOT LGTD FWA 09/090 FWA TWY G4 HLDG PSN SIGN FOR RWY 14/32 WEST SIDE NOT LGTD FWA 09/089 FWA TWY Y4 HLDG PSN SIGN WEST SIDE FOR RWY 14/32 NOT LGTD FWA 09/088 FWA TWY Y4 HLDG PSN SIGN EAST SIDE FOR RWY 14/32 NOT LGTD FWA 09/087 FWA TWY Y HLDG PSN SIGN SOUTHEAST SIDE FOR RWY 05/23 NOT LGTD FWA 09/084 FWA TWY D CLSD FWA 09/081 FWA TWY Y BTN TWY Y1 AND TWY Y3 CLSD FWA 09/080 FWA TWY C BTN TWY G AND RWY 14/32 CLSD FWA 09/077 FWA TWY Y1; Y2; Y3 CLSD FWA 09/034 FWA TWY S CLSD LGTD AND BARRICADED FWA 09/020 FWA TWY C1 HLDG PSN SIGN FOR RWY 05/23 NOT LGTD FWA 09/014 FWA TWY Y HLDG PSN SIGN WEST SIDE FOR RWY 05/23 NOT LGTD FWA 09/013 FWA TWY Y HLDG PSN SIGN EAST SIDE FOR RW Y 05/23 NOT LGTD FWA 09/005 FWA TWY C HLDG PSN SIGN EAST SIDE FOR RWY 14/32 LGT OUT OF SERVICE FWA 09/004 FWA TWY M HLDG PSN SIGN FOR APCH END RWY 23 NOT LGTD FWA 08/168 FWA TWY Y EDGE MARKINGS BTN TWY Y4 AND NORTH RAMP NOT STD FWA 08/165 FWA TWY Y CL MARKINGS FOR RWY 05/23 NOT STD FWA 08/145 FWA TWY G DIRECTION SIGN BTN TWY K AND TWY G4 NOT STD FWA 08/144 FWA TWY G4 TWY DIRECTION SIGN NOT STD FWA 09/073 FWA AD AP WINDCONE FOR RWY 32 LGT OUT OF SERVICE FWA 09/074 FWA AD AP WINDCONE FOR RWY 14 LGT OUT OF SERVICE FWA 09/003 FWA AD AP WINDCONE FOR RWY 23 LGT OUT OF SERVICE FWA 08/130 FWA OBST RIG (ASN UNKNOWN) 405927N0851140W (0.4NM SE APCH END RWY 14) 881FT (75FT AGL) FLAGGED AND LGTD FWA 08/063 FWA OBST CRANE (ASN UNKNOWN) 410004N0851148W (1.37NM N FWA) 934FT (140FT AGL) FLAGGED THU FRI SAT MON TUE WED XA00-XJ00 FWA 09/054 FWA NAV ILS RWY 32 OUT OF SERVICE FWA 08/133 FWA NAV ILS RWY 05 OUT OF SERVICE FWA 09/032 FWA NAV VOT OUT OF SERVICE -PERMFWA 10/040 FWA NAV ILS RWY 32 OM DECOMMISSIONED -PERMFWA 09/109 FWA SVC TAR/SSR OUT OF SERVICE FDC NOTAMs----------NONEMilitary NOTAMs---------------NONELocal NOTAMs------------NONECompany NOTAMs--------------NONE------------------------------------------------------------Additionally; here is KFWA weather before and after our arrival:KFWA XXXG54Z 05011KT 10SM OVC016 21/18 A3012 RMK AO2 SLP193 T02110183KFWA XXXG28Z 04010KT 9SM BKN016 21/18 A3012 RMK AO2 T02110183KFWA XXXF54Z 05009KT 8SM BKN014 21/18 A3012 RMK AO2 SLP192 T02110183 53014KFWA XXXF47Z 04012KT 8SM BKN014 21/19 A3011 RMK AO2 T02110189KFWA XXXE54Z 03011KT 9SM CLR 22/19 A3010 RMK AO2 SLP186 T02220194KFWA XXXD54Z 35004KT 10SM CLR 22/18 A3008 RMK AO2 SLP182 T02220183KFWA XXXC54Z 36004KT 10SM FEW140 SCT250 22/18 A3007 RMK AO2 SLP180 T02220183 10306 20222 53009KFWA XXXB54Z 01004KT 10SM SCT120 BKN250 23/18 A3006 RMK AO2 SLP176 T02330183
Data retrieved from NASA's ASRS site and automatically converted to unabbreviated mixed upper/lowercase text. This report is for informational purposes with no guarantee of accuracy. See NASA's ASRS site for official report.