
I was pilot monitoring on descent. I noticed the stabilizer trim wheel began chattering as the aircraft was being slowed for our approach. First officer stated he was going to disconnect autopilot to check trim condition. After autopilot disconnect; he stated that trim was not responding normally using his trim switch. I took control of the aircraft to attempt my trim switch. Again; non-normal operation; as the trim wheel would partially respond then would chatter. First officer handled ATC communications and began reading from the QRH. I was very occupied in controlling the aircraft; turning onto final with a 50 knot crosswind; and configuring for landing. In response to first officer reading the QRH; I disconnected the autothrottles; and he disconnected the trim motors using the stab cutout switches. We both attempted to move the trim wheel manually with no success. I asked the first officer to [advise] approach control at the same time as they gave us a frequency change to tower. First officer [advised] the tower and they cleared us to land. The aircraft was configured for landing and was completely controllable with a minor out of trim condition so I chose to continue to landing; which was uneventful.


Original NASA ASRS Text

Title: B737-800 flight crew reported loss of both electric and manual stabilizer trim on descent.

Narrative: I was pilot monitoring on descent. I noticed the stabilizer trim wheel began chattering as the aircraft was being slowed for our approach. First Officer stated he was going to disconnect autopilot to check trim condition. After autopilot disconnect; he stated that trim was not responding normally using his trim switch. I took control of the aircraft to attempt my trim switch. Again; non-normal operation; as the trim wheel would partially respond then would chatter. First Officer handled ATC communications and began reading from the QRH. I was very occupied in controlling the aircraft; turning onto final with a 50 knot crosswind; and configuring for landing. In response to First Officer reading the QRH; I disconnected the autothrottles; and he disconnected the trim motors using the stab cutout switches. We both attempted to move the trim wheel manually with no success. I asked the First Officer to [advise] Approach Control at the same time as they gave us a frequency change to Tower. First Officer [advised] the Tower and they cleared us to land. The aircraft was configured for landing and was completely controllable with a minor out of trim condition so I chose to continue to landing; which was uneventful.

Data retrieved from NASA's ASRS site and automatically converted to unabbreviated mixed upper/lowercase text. This report is for informational purposes with no guarantee of accuracy. See NASA's ASRS site for official report.