37000 Feet | Browse and search NASA's Aviation Safety Reporting System |
Attributes | |
ACN | 1430957 |
Time | |
Date | 201703 |
Local Time Of Day | 0001-0600 |
Place | |
Locale Reference | EUG.TRACON |
State Reference | OR |
Environment | |
Flight Conditions | VMC |
Aircraft 1 | |
Make Model Name | PA-28 Cherokee/Archer/Dakota/Pillan/Warrior |
Operating Under FAR Part | Part 91 |
Flight Phase | Initial Climb |
Route In Use | Vectors |
Flight Plan | IFR |
Person 1 | |
Function | Approach Instructor |
Qualification | Air Traffic Control Fully Certified |
Experience | Air Traffic Control Time Certified In Pos 1 (yrs) 6.0 |
Person 2 | |
Function | Approach |
Qualification | Air Traffic Control Developmental |
Events | |
Anomaly | ATC Issue All Types Deviation - Procedural Published Material / Policy Inflight Event / Encounter CFTT / CFIT |
During training session on radar east we were getting pretty busy. Aircraft X was on a missed approach. I thought he was just a normal departure climbing to 5;000 feet. We had an aircraft's data block acquire on a VFR 1200 code target and was trying to fix this. While we were trying to fix the issue aircraft X flew into a 4;400 MVA at an altitude of 4;000.the main issue we had was an IFR data block acquired onto a VFR 1200 code target for some reason. This took our attention away from aircraft X and caused us to miss his altitude.
Original NASA ASRS Text
Title: EUG TRACON Controller reported being distracted by a data block on the wrong target and failed to realize traffic he thought was a departure was conducting a Missed Approach. Controller allowed it to fly below the Minimum Vectoring Altitude.
Narrative: During training session on radar east we were getting pretty busy. Aircraft X was on a Missed Approach. I thought he was just a normal departure climbing to 5;000 feet. We had an aircraft's data block acquire on a VFR 1200 code target and was trying to fix this. While we were trying to fix the issue Aircraft X flew into a 4;400 MVA at an altitude of 4;000.The main issue we had was an IFR data block acquired onto a VFR 1200 code target for some reason. This took our attention away from Aircraft X and caused us to miss his altitude.
Data retrieved from NASA's ASRS site and automatically converted to unabbreviated mixed upper/lowercase text. This report is for informational purposes with no guarantee of accuracy. See NASA's ASRS site for official report.