37000 Feet | Browse and search NASA's Aviation Safety Reporting System |
Attributes | |
ACN | 1611009 |
Time | |
Date | 201601 |
Local Time Of Day | 0001-0600 |
Aircraft 1 | |
Make Model Name | Boeing Company Undifferentiated or Other Model |
Flight Phase | Other Analysis |
Component | |
Aircraft Component | Fuel Tank |
Person 1 | |
Function | Design Engineer |
Qualification | Other Stress Analyst Ph.D. Materials Science |
Events | |
Anomaly | Deviation - Procedural Published Material / Policy |
A nonconservative margin of safety calculation has been used on components for the [fleet of aircraft] at the ZZZ location of the [company]. The calculation of margin of safety; ms; compares ultimate tensile strength ftu to stress s:ms = ftu/s - 1A positive ms is wanted to prevent overload failure. The maximum principal stress s1 was sometimes used at [company] in the ms calculation; i.e.; s = s1. This calculation is non-conservative; specifically when the stress state includes a compressive principal stress; s2. In the two-dimensional case; the tresca failure criterion stress is:stresca = s1 - s2Because s2 < 0; i.e.; compressive; stresca is larger than the maximum principal stress; s1.using stresca in the ms formula therefore predicts failure at lower load levels than using s1.for ductile metals such as aerospace aluminum alloys; the tresca criterion matches observed failure behavior; as described in dowling's text mechanical behavior of materials. The first principal stress criterion applies only to brittle materials such as gray cast iron.an example calculation shows the possibility of generating a specious positive margin of safety. The MS1 calculated with first principal stress indicates positive margin (predicts no overload failure):s1 = 70 ksis2 = -50 ksiftu = 100 ksiMS1 = 100/70 - 1 = 0.42but the margin mstresca calculated with stresca predicts failure:mstresca = ftu/(s1 - s2) - 1 = 100/[70 - (-50)] - 1 = 100/120 - 1 = -0.17 an explanation of the stress tensor and its expression in terms of principal stresses can also be found in dowling's text.
Original NASA ASRS Text
Title: Design Engineer reported that nonconservative structural margin analysis/calculations were used on aircraft fuel tanks and fuel system components.
Narrative: A nonconservative margin of safety calculation has been used on components for the [fleet of aircraft] at the ZZZ location of the [Company]. The calculation of margin of safety; MS; compares ultimate tensile strength Ftu to stress s:MS = Ftu/s - 1A positive MS is wanted to prevent overload failure. The maximum principal stress s1 was sometimes used at [Company] in the MS calculation; i.e.; s = s1. This calculation is non-conservative; specifically when the stress state includes a compressive principal stress; s2. In the two-dimensional case; the Tresca failure criterion stress is:sTresca = s1 - s2Because s2 < 0; i.e.; compressive; sTresca is larger than the maximum principal stress; s1.Using sTresca in the MS formula therefore predicts failure at lower load levels than using s1.For ductile metals such as aerospace aluminum alloys; the Tresca criterion matches observed failure behavior; as described in Dowling's text Mechanical Behavior of Materials. The first principal stress criterion applies only to brittle materials such as gray cast iron.An example calculation shows the possibility of generating a specious positive margin of safety. The MS1 calculated with first principal stress indicates positive margin (predicts no overload failure):s1 = 70 ksis2 = -50 ksiFtu = 100 ksiMS1 = 100/70 - 1 = 0.42but the margin MSTresca calculated with sTresca predicts failure:MSTresca = Ftu/(s1 - s2) - 1 = 100/[70 - (-50)] - 1 = 100/120 - 1 = -0.17 An explanation of the stress tensor and its expression in terms of principal stresses can also be found in Dowling's text.
Data retrieved from NASA's ASRS site and automatically converted to unabbreviated mixed upper/lowercase text. This report is for informational purposes with no guarantee of accuracy. See NASA's ASRS site for official report.