37000 Feet | Browse and search NASA's Aviation Safety Reporting System |
Attributes | |
ACN | 1764540 |
Time | |
Date | 202010 |
Local Time Of Day | 1201-1800 |
Place | |
Locale Reference | ZZZ.TRACON |
State Reference | US |
Aircraft 1 | |
Make Model Name | Commercial Fixed Wing |
Operating Under FAR Part | Part 121 |
Flight Phase | Descent |
Flight Plan | IFR |
Aircraft 2 | |
Make Model Name | Commercial Fixed Wing |
Person 1 | |
Function | Pilot Not Flying Captain |
Qualification | Flight Crew Air Transport Pilot (ATP) Flight Crew Instrument Flight Crew Multiengine |
Person 2 | |
Function | Pilot Flying First Officer |
Qualification | Flight Crew Air Transport Pilot (ATP) Flight Crew Instrument Flight Crew Multiengine |
Events | |
Anomaly | Deviation - Altitude Overshoot Deviation - Procedural Clearance |
We were descending on the ZZZZZ4 arrival north of zzzzz when ATC issued a traffic advisory of an aircraft Y at 12 o'clock. The first officer was pilot flying and I was looking for the traffic along with the relief pilot. I reported the traffic in sight and meanwhile the pilot flying descended below 9;000 before reaching zzzzz. The controller said maintain 9;000 and maintain visual separation with the aircraft Y and we returned to 9;000.if the controller had said maintain 9;000 and then issued the traffic; I believe the error would have been prevented. Fatigue was certainly a factor.
Original NASA ASRS Text
Title: Air carrier flight crew reported an altitude deviation during arrival resulting in an airborne conflict.
Narrative: We were descending on the ZZZZZ4 arrival north of ZZZZZ when ATC issued a traffic advisory of an Aircraft Y at 12 o'clock. The FO was pilot flying and I was looking for the traffic along with the Relief Pilot. I reported the traffic in sight and meanwhile the pilot flying descended below 9;000 before reaching ZZZZZ. The Controller said maintain 9;000 and maintain visual separation with the Aircraft Y and we returned to 9;000.If the Controller had said maintain 9;000 and then issued the traffic; I believe the error would have been prevented. Fatigue was certainly a factor.
Data retrieved from NASA's ASRS site and automatically converted to unabbreviated mixed upper/lowercase text. This report is for informational purposes with no guarantee of accuracy. See NASA's ASRS site for official report.