
This airport [pah] is controlled class D airspace and does have scheduled airline service. There is an ongoing problem every summer that I can remember; and that is the taxiway lighting and taxi and runway signage are very; very difficult and sometimes impossible to see because of the overgrowth of grass and weeds. Even though I know the airport I feel unsafe for our crew and for pilots operating to and from this airport who may be unfamiliar with its runways and taxiways. A very simple solution would be for the maintenance to mow and weed eat. We have ground maintenance and equipment on the field it is just not being used. Thank you for your time looking at this matter; again if I did not think this was a safety issue especially all the emphasis the FAA is putting on ground safety I would not be concerned.


Original NASA ASRS Text

Title: A pilot reported that taxiway signage and lighting are difficult to see at PAH airport because of grass and weed growth.

Narrative: This airport [PAH] is controlled Class D airspace and does have scheduled airline service. There is an ongoing problem every summer that I can remember; and that is the taxiway lighting and taxi and runway signage are very; very difficult and sometimes impossible to see because of the overgrowth of grass and weeds. Even though I know the airport I feel unsafe for our crew and for pilots operating to and from this airport who may be unfamiliar with its runways and taxiways. A very simple solution would be for the maintenance to mow and weed eat. We have ground maintenance and equipment on the field it is just not being used. Thank you for your time looking at this matter; again if I did not think this was a safety issue especially all the emphasis the FAA is putting on ground safety I would not be concerned.

Data retrieved from NASA's ASRS site as of April 2012 and automatically converted to unabbreviated mixed upper/lowercase text. This report is for informational purposes with no guarantee of accuracy. See NASA's ASRS site for official report.