
The crew had an 11 hour layover after an all nighter. The clearance was received with a revised segment. Initial pre departure clearance read iad blues ldn J134 ***. The revised segment read; blues ldn J134 hnn. The first officer proceeded to put hnn in the route page after J134; which caused a discontinuity. The first officer closed the discontinuity; which put stl after hnn. The route was verified with the captain and executed. Unfortunately; the new route was now J134 hnn stl. We should have been going J134 hnn J134 stl. The controller questioned our route and said he had seen this before. We were told to call indy quality assurance. The revised segment was already part of the original clearance and caused the confusion.


Original NASA ASRS Text

Title: Air carrier described route error when PDC clearance was incorrectly entered into the FMS; indicating some confusion between the filed; PDC and understood clearance route.

Narrative: The crew had an 11 hour layover after an all nighter. The clearance was received with a revised segment. Initial PDC read IAD BLUES LDN J134 ***. The revised segment read; BLUES LDN J134 HNN. The First Officer proceeded to put HNN in the route page after J134; which caused a discontinuity. The First Officer closed the discontinuity; which put STL after HNN. The route was verified with the Captain and executed. Unfortunately; the new route was now J134 HNN STL. We should have been going J134 HNN J134 STL. The controller questioned our route and said he had seen this before. We were told to call Indy quality assurance. The revised segment was already part of the original clearance and caused the confusion.

Data retrieved from NASA's ASRS site as of April 2012 and automatically converted to unabbreviated mixed upper/lowercase text. This report is for informational purposes with no guarantee of accuracy. See NASA's ASRS site for official report.