37000 Feet | Browse and search NASA's Aviation Safety Reporting System |
Attributes | |
ACN | 850399 |
Time | |
Date | 200908 |
Local Time Of Day | 0601-1200 |
Place | |
Locale Reference | ZZZ.Airport |
State Reference | US |
Aircraft 1 | |
Make Model Name | Commercial Fixed Wing |
Operating Under FAR Part | Part 121 |
Flight Phase | Parked |
Flight Plan | IFR |
Person 1 | |
Function | Dispatcher |
Qualification | Dispatch Dispatcher |
Events | |
Anomaly | Deviation - Procedural MEL Deviation - Procedural Weight And Balance |
Flight departed XB00z and arrived at XB49z with MEL 25-50-03A 'F' cargo compt lining. This MEL states that the aft cargo must remain empty. The originating dispatcher did not address the restriction in the remarks for the load control agent. The load agent addressed the 'F' as forward and loaded the 1600 pounds of cargo in the aft bin. No phone calls were made between the load agent and the dispatcher which is common procedure; but not required. No reference of load manifest or MEL from the flight crew at anytime. I received this flight at XA00z at the start of my shift from a dispatcher working the midnight shift. The MEL was not mentioned at that time. This was the first day back from 2 weeks vacation and I was updating sign in passwords and reading past mail for any changes and updates that happened which is required. I did not re-check this flight for any discrepancies before departure. Once airborne; received a call from maintenance control wondering if this MEL as written; could have confused the load agent with the 'F' cargo remark meaning forward. I called the load agent and found out that all the cargo was loaded aft because it stated forward in his words. I notified the coordinator of the situation and informed him of the aircraft routing the next leg; I recommended the aircraft change. Once changed; notified the next dispatcher of MEL to avoid any further problems. This format of 'F' (crew/maintenance follow up required) in front of MEL has confused load agents and station agents numerous times. That was the main reason that maintenance control called me and wanted me to mention that we need to have this addressed to avoid further incidents. I recommend this 'F' be re-worded or changed to something resembling the words follow-up.
Original NASA ASRS Text
Title: Dispatcher reports that symbol used to indicate follow up required on certain MEL's is causing confusion. The symbol 'F' was interpreted as forward instead of follow up required.
Narrative: Flight departed XB00z and arrived at XB49z with MEL 25-50-03A 'F' CARGO COMPT LINING. This MEL states that the AFT cargo must remain empty. The originating dispatcher did not address the restriction in the remarks for the Load Control Agent. The load agent addressed the 'F' as forward and loaded the 1600 LBS of cargo in the AFT bin. No phone calls were made between the Load Agent and the Dispatcher which is common procedure; but not required. No reference of load manifest or MEL from the flight crew at anytime. I received this flight at XA00z at the start of my shift from a Dispatcher working the midnight shift. The MEL was not mentioned at that time. This was the first day back from 2 weeks vacation and I was updating sign in passwords and reading past mail for any changes and updates that happened which is required. I did not re-check this flight for any discrepancies before departure. Once airborne; received a call from Maintenance Control wondering if this MEL as written; could have confused the Load Agent with the 'F' CARGO remark meaning forward. I called the load agent and found out that all the cargo was loaded AFT because it stated forward in his words. I notified the Coordinator of the situation and informed him of the aircraft routing the next leg; I recommended the aircraft change. Once changed; notified the next Dispatcher of MEL to avoid any further problems. This format of 'F' (crew/maintenance follow up required) in front of MEL has confused load agents and station agents numerous times. That was the main reason that Maintenance Control called me and wanted me to mention that we need to have this addressed to avoid further incidents. I recommend this 'F' be re-worded or changed to something resembling the words follow-up.
Data retrieved from NASA's ASRS site as of April 2012 and automatically converted to unabbreviated mixed upper/lowercase text. This report is for informational purposes with no guarantee of accuracy. See NASA's ASRS site for official report.