37000 Feet | Browse and search NASA's Aviation Safety Reporting System |
Attributes | |
ACN | 902334 |
Time | |
Date | 201008 |
Local Time Of Day | 1201-1800 |
Place | |
Locale Reference | 06C.Airport |
State Reference | IL |
Environment | |
Flight Conditions | VMC |
Light | Daylight |
Aircraft 1 | |
Make Model Name | Small Aircraft Low Wing 1 Eng Fixed Gear |
Operating Under FAR Part | Part 91 |
Flight Phase | Takeoff |
Flight Plan | IFR |
Person 1 | |
Function | Pilot Flying Single Pilot |
Qualification | Flight Crew Instrument Flight Crew Private |
Experience | Flight Crew Last 90 Days 25 Flight Crew Total 1059 Flight Crew Type 517 |
Events | |
Anomaly | Conflict Airborne Conflict Conflict Ground Conflict Less Severe |
While preparing for departure from 06C runway 29; I noted air traffic inbound and waited a few minutes for arriving aircraft #1 (a twin) to land as I completed my run-up and departure preparation. I heard 2 other aircraft entering the pattern during this timeframe. Aircraft #2 turned left base as aircraft #1 landed. At this time; I heard an aircraft which I had presumed to be aircraft #2 callout; '[light aircraft] holding for departure; you can go ahead and depart; we are taking some pictures.' aircraft #2 had turned final at this point. I estimated that aircraft #2 was on a 2-mile final. I was planning to hold for this aircraft to land until I received the go-ahead to depart before their arrival. As I announced my departure and began departure roll; someone (I assume aircraft #2) called on radio; 'aircraft on short final.' based on the previous twin engine aircraft arrival time; I believed that there was adequate time and space between my aircraft and aircraft #2 for me to take-off safely. Approximately half-way down the runway on take-off; I heard aircraft #2 announce a go-around and question what I was doing. After I had taken off and crossed the departure end of the runway; aircraft #2 announce being off of my right wing. My TCAS indicated that the aircraft was 100 ft above me and behind me. Looking off my right wing; I did not see the aircraft. After hearing two aircraft operators complain to each other about my decision to take-off; I apologized and briefly explained the miscommunication and my understanding that I was being given the go-ahead to depart ahead of the arriving aircraft. At this time; I realized that the aircraft giving me the go-ahead to depart ahead of their arrival was aircraft #3 which had entered the pattern; not the aircraft on final leg. Prevention: while I can appreciate aircraft #3's suggestion for me to depart ahead of their arrival; it would have helped me understand the actual situation if they had reported their position when they made the suggestion for me to take-off ahead of their arrival. I would have clearly understood what they were suggesting if I had recognized which aircraft was communicating with me. Clear communication among all aircraft operating at uncontrolled airports is essential. 06C is a busy airport underlying class B airspace; perhaps; a control tower is needed at this airport to help deconflict airspace.
Original NASA ASRS Text
Title: A light aircraft pilot described a traffic conflict at 06C; a busy non-towered airport; that apparently stemmed from a miscommunication on CTAF.
Narrative: While preparing for departure from 06C Runway 29; I noted air traffic inbound and waited a few minutes for arriving Aircraft #1 (a twin) to land as I completed my run-up and departure preparation. I heard 2 other aircraft entering the pattern during this timeframe. Aircraft #2 turned left base as Aircraft #1 landed. At this time; I heard an aircraft which I had presumed to be Aircraft #2 callout; '[Light aircraft] holding for departure; you can go ahead and depart; we are taking some pictures.' Aircraft #2 had turned final at this point. I estimated that Aircraft #2 was on a 2-mile final. I was planning to hold for this aircraft to land until I received the go-ahead to depart before their arrival. As I announced my departure and began departure roll; someone (I assume Aircraft #2) called on radio; 'aircraft on short final.' Based on the previous twin engine aircraft arrival time; I believed that there was adequate time and space between my aircraft and Aircraft #2 for me to take-off safely. Approximately half-way down the runway on take-off; I heard Aircraft #2 announce a go-around and question what I was doing. After I had taken off and crossed the departure end of the runway; Aircraft #2 announce being off of my right wing. My TCAS indicated that the aircraft was 100 FT above me and behind me. Looking off my right wing; I did not see the aircraft. After hearing two aircraft operators complain to each other about my decision to take-off; I apologized and briefly explained the miscommunication and my understanding that I was being given the go-ahead to depart ahead of the arriving aircraft. At this time; I realized that the aircraft giving me the go-ahead to depart ahead of their arrival was Aircraft #3 which had entered the pattern; not the aircraft on final leg. Prevention: While I can appreciate Aircraft #3's suggestion for me to depart ahead of their arrival; it would have helped me understand the actual situation if they had reported their position when they made the suggestion for me to take-off ahead of their arrival. I would have clearly understood what they were suggesting if I had recognized which aircraft was communicating with me. Clear communication among all aircraft operating at uncontrolled airports is essential. 06C is a busy airport underlying Class B Airspace; perhaps; a Control Tower is needed at this airport to help deconflict airspace.
Data retrieved from NASA's ASRS site as of April 2012 and automatically converted to unabbreviated mixed upper/lowercase text. This report is for informational purposes with no guarantee of accuracy. See NASA's ASRS site for official report.