
When we were on an extremely short final; clt tower issued an immediate take off clearance to an aircraft on our runway. We were 1/2 mile or less from landing and had to initiate a go-around to avoid the departing aircraft. ATC seemed unaware or slightly confused and issued a climb to the west which we were already doing.non standard operation with a runway down for maintenance. Not good for possible training on a weekend. Saw two other similar deviations in two days. Clt has always been very relaxed operationally; many FAA inspectors riding along agree.ATC advised [traffic] twelve o'clock 3;500; maintain 3;000. Visually saw two helicopters approaching. I acknowledged to co-captain X that we were going to have to execute an escape maneuver. We then had an RA and I complied while co-captain X relayed the information with ATC. All was successful and co-captain X informed me that we had only two hundred feet between aircraft as I executed the RA. This was after a very close go around on runway 18R. Once again; perhaps weekend training for ATC; yet saw two more examples the next day. Someone needs to monitor ATC as changes are occurring with a runway down for maintenance.


Original NASA ASRS Text

Title: An air carrier flight crew on short final executed a go around when CLT Tower cleared an aircraft for takeoff on their runway. During the go around they received a TCAS RA. It was unclear if the RA was triggered by the departing traffic or two helicopters referenced by the reporter.

Narrative: When we were on an extremely short final; CLT Tower issued an immediate take off clearance to an aircraft on our runway. We were 1/2 mile or less from landing and had to initiate a go-around to avoid the departing aircraft. ATC seemed unaware or slightly confused and issued a climb to the west which we were already doing.Non standard operation with a runway down for maintenance. Not good for possible training on a weekend. Saw two other similar deviations in two days. CLT has always been very relaxed operationally; many FAA inspectors riding along agree.ATC advised [traffic] twelve o'clock 3;500; maintain 3;000. Visually saw two helicopters approaching. I acknowledged to Co-Captain X that we were going to have to execute an escape maneuver. We then had an RA and I complied while Co-Captain X relayed the information with ATC. All was successful and Co-Captain X informed me that we had only two hundred feet between aircraft as I executed the RA. This was after a very close go around on Runway 18R. Once again; perhaps weekend training for ATC; yet saw two more examples the next day. Someone needs to monitor ATC as changes are occurring with a runway down for maintenance.

Data retrieved from NASA's ASRS site as of April 2012 and automatically converted to unabbreviated mixed upper/lowercase text. This report is for informational purposes with no guarantee of accuracy. See NASA's ASRS site for official report.