
We were on the lda approach when; at approximately 8;000 ft; the aircraft encountered light to moderate turbulence as well as light rime icing. We continued the approach to approximately 5;600 ft when the aircraft suddenly encountered moderate to severe turbulence and icing. At this time; I decided to call a missed-approach. As we applied max power; the yaw damper failed which disconnected the autopilot. At the same time the number two engine went into manual mode which caused a significant decrease of power. As we followed our missed approach procedures; we were continually in moderate turbulence and severe icing which caused us to be unable to maintain the prescribed missed approach altitude. In the interest of safety; I decided it would be more prudent to continue the climb and get out of the icing conditions while the first officer was contacting center. We requested from center 16;000 ft and direct to our departure airport. The event occurred because of high winds and high moisture content in the area. Most importantly; I would not have accepted the flight if I had been informed that the original scheduled captain refused the flight based on the weather conditions. Dispatch failed to provide me with all pertinent information regarding the mission.


Original NASA ASRS Text

Title: A Dash 9 flight crew abandoned their LDA approach when they encountered severe turbulence and icing and suffered the loss of the yaw damper/autopilot and a degradation of power from the right engine. The Captain utilized his emergency authority to continue the climb to well beyond the missed approach altitude in order to exit the turbulence and elected to divert back to their departure airport.

Narrative: We were on the LDA approach when; at approximately 8;000 FT; the aircraft encountered light to moderate turbulence as well as light rime icing. We continued the approach to approximately 5;600 FT when the aircraft suddenly encountered moderate to severe turbulence and icing. At this time; I decided to call a missed-approach. As we applied max power; the yaw damper failed which disconnected the autopilot. At the same time the number two engine went into manual mode which caused a significant decrease of power. As we followed our missed approach procedures; we were continually in moderate turbulence and severe icing which caused us to be unable to maintain the prescribed missed approach altitude. In the interest of safety; I decided it would be more prudent to continue the climb and get out of the icing conditions while the First Officer was contacting Center. We requested from Center 16;000 FT and direct to our departure airport. The event occurred because of high winds and high moisture content in the area. Most importantly; I would not have accepted the flight if I had been informed that the original scheduled Captain refused the flight based on the weather conditions. Dispatch failed to provide me with all pertinent information regarding the mission.

Data retrieved from NASA's ASRS site as of April 2012 and automatically converted to unabbreviated mixed upper/lowercase text. This report is for informational purposes with no guarantee of accuracy. See NASA's ASRS site for official report.