37000 Feet | Browse and search NASA's Aviation Safety Reporting System |
Attributes | |
ACN | 1034228 |
Time | |
Date | 201208 |
Local Time Of Day | 1201-1800 |
Place | |
Locale Reference | C90.TRACON |
State Reference | IL |
Aircraft 1 | |
Make Model Name | P180 Avanti |
Operating Under FAR Part | Part 91 |
Flight Phase | Descent |
Route In Use | Vectors |
Flight Plan | IFR |
Component | |
Aircraft Component | Main Gear Door |
Person 1 | |
Function | Captain Pilot Flying |
Qualification | Flight Crew Air Transport Pilot (ATP) Flight Crew Multiengine |
Experience | Flight Crew Last 90 Days 75 Flight Crew Total 12000 Flight Crew Type 1900 |
Events | |
Anomaly | Aircraft Equipment Problem Critical Deviation - Speed All Types |
The aircraft received a thorough preflight inspection by both crew members prior to departure). No anomalies were observed. While being radar vectored for an approach; descending through 10;000 ft; the maximum operating speed (vmo) was momentarily exceeded by three knots (263) with an immediate correction slowing to 250 KTS. Afterwards the crew heard a loud sound; followed by a noticeable vibration. There were no abnormal cockpit indications either before or after the event - all systems appeared normal - so an emergency was not declared; and discussion of the event with ATC unnecessary. Exercising normal procedures; the crew continued the descent and approach for a normal landing; with a taxi to the FBO. A post flight inspection by the crew discovered that the left forward main gear door was missing.
Original NASA ASRS Text
Title: A P-180 Captain reported losing the left forward main gear door on approach after a minor Vmo excursion.
Narrative: The aircraft received a thorough preflight inspection by both crew members prior to departure). No anomalies were observed. While being radar vectored for an approach; descending through 10;000 FT; the maximum operating speed (Vmo) was momentarily exceeded by three knots (263) with an immediate correction slowing to 250 KTS. Afterwards the crew heard a loud sound; followed by a noticeable vibration. There were no abnormal cockpit indications either before or after the event - all systems appeared normal - so an emergency was not declared; and discussion of the event with ATC unnecessary. Exercising normal procedures; the crew continued the descent and approach for a normal landing; with a taxi to the FBO. A post flight inspection by the crew discovered that the left forward main gear door was missing.
Data retrieved from NASA's ASRS site as of July 2013 and automatically converted to unabbreviated mixed upper/lowercase text. This report is for informational purposes with no guarantee of accuracy. See NASA's ASRS site for official report.