
I was on a training flight with an instructor; VFR flight condition prevailed. Departure was normal and we climbed to 2;100 MSL and departed the area to proceed to another airport to practice landings. We entered the pattern executing a normal landing with no issues. We did a full stop and departed runway 2 to execute a practice 180 degree engine out accuracy landing procedure. On downwind for runway 2 and at pattern altitude we began the maneuver but the right landing gear failed to extend and lock. We aborted the procedure and exited the airport environment. We executed gear down failure emergency procedures by manually pumping up landing gear several times; I recall 4 times. We also recycled the gear using the electric pump numerous times I would say a dozen times trying various maneuvers to try and shake the gear down all attempts failed. The instructor contacted his company and the decision was made to fly to ZZZ where they had a maintenance facility. Once we arrived at ZZZ; we made 3 pattern level passes to evaluate the best landing site. The decision was made to land in the grass to the right of runway 3. This was a wide and long grassy area and the direction faced into the wind. With the landing gear lever in the retracted position; a gear up landing was executed by the instructor with textbook type skills. Approximate distance from touchdown point to stop was 300 ft. The plane came to an uneventful stop on the grass with little damage visible on the plane. We exited the aircraft without injury.


Original NASA ASRS Text

Title: C172RG pilot under instruction experiences failure of the right landing gear to extend during approach. All normal and emergency methods of extending the gear are unsuccessful. A landing with all gear retracted is accomplished by the instructor to an open grassy area adjacent to the runway with minimal damage to the aircraft.

Narrative: I was on a training flight with an instructor; VFR flight condition prevailed. Departure was normal and we climbed to 2;100 MSL and departed the area to proceed to another airport to practice landings. We entered the pattern executing a normal landing with no issues. We did a full stop and departed Runway 2 to execute a practice 180 degree engine out accuracy landing procedure. On downwind for Runway 2 and at pattern altitude we began the maneuver but the right landing gear failed to extend and lock. We aborted the procedure and exited the airport environment. We executed gear down failure emergency procedures by manually pumping up landing gear several times; I recall 4 times. We also recycled the gear using the electric pump numerous times I would say a dozen times trying various maneuvers to try and shake the gear down all attempts failed. The instructor contacted his company and the decision was made to fly to ZZZ where they had a maintenance facility. Once we arrived at ZZZ; we made 3 pattern level passes to evaluate the best landing site. The decision was made to land in the grass to the right of Runway 3. This was a wide and long grassy area and the direction faced into the wind. With the landing gear lever in the retracted position; a gear up landing was executed by the instructor with textbook type skills. Approximate distance from touchdown point to stop was 300 FT. The plane came to an uneventful stop on the grass with little damage visible on the plane. We exited the aircraft without injury.

Data retrieved from NASA's ASRS site and automatically converted to unabbreviated mixed upper/lowercase text. This report is for informational purposes with no guarantee of accuracy. See NASA's ASRS site for official report.