
Flight was cleared for takeoff. I was pilot monitoring. I was expecting a left turn to 250 degrees after departure off [runway] 31C. Tower issued a right turn to 130 degrees as we were spooling up the engines. I asked if he meant 250 degrees. Tower asked if we were going to acito; a departure fix. I said we were going to XXX. Tower's next response was 'cancel takeoff clearance.' the throttles were standing up; the engines were spooled and we were moving down the runway. I detected from tower's tone and words that I had caused a lot of confusion. In that context; I decided there was no safety of flight issue; so I pushed the first officer's hands forward to set takeoff thrust and continue the takeoff. We turned right and were handed off to departure. The rest of the flight was uneventful.although departure headings are assigned all the time; perhaps ATC could say 'expect XXX heading'; while taxiing on to the runway so any resultant confusion could be addressed in a timelier manner. I have; in the past; had controllers think we were going somewhere other than our planned destination.


Original NASA ASRS Text

Title: Air carrier Captain reports being assigned a heading as the takeoff roll is commencing; which he questions. The Tower replies with a question which the Captain does not directly answer and the Tower responds by canceling the takeoff clearance. The Captain elects to continue the takeoff and turn as originally cleared.

Narrative: Flight was cleared for takeoff. I was Pilot Monitoring. I was expecting a left turn to 250 degrees after departure off [RWY] 31C. Tower issued a right turn to 130 degrees as we were spooling up the engines. I asked if he meant 250 degrees. Tower asked if we were going to ACITO; a departure fix. I said we were going to XXX. Tower's next response was 'Cancel takeoff clearance.' The throttles were standing up; the engines were spooled and we were moving down the runway. I detected from Tower's tone and words that I had caused a lot of confusion. In that context; I decided there was no safety of flight issue; so I pushed the FO's hands forward to set takeoff thrust and continue the takeoff. We turned right and were handed off to Departure. The rest of the flight was uneventful.Although departure headings are assigned all the time; perhaps ATC could say 'expect XXX heading'; while taxiing on to the runway so any resultant confusion could be addressed in a timelier manner. I have; in the past; had Controllers think we were going somewhere other than our planned destination.

Data retrieved from NASA's ASRS site and automatically converted to unabbreviated mixed upper/lowercase text. This report is for informational purposes with no guarantee of accuracy. See NASA's ASRS site for official report.