
While conducting a commercial maneuvers' training flight with my instructor; we encountered a near midair collision. We had been remaining in the pattern at tta for some time; completing about five landings before the incident occurred. We were monitoring the CTAF frequency for the airport and making calls for crosswind; down wind; base and final as you would in any non-towered environment. To confirm we were on the correct frequency; at the time we the incident occurred; there was a helicopter circling the field about 1;500 feet higher than we were who was responding to our calls and giving us his position. For the details of the specific incident; we were conducting a power off 180 degree landing (commercial training maneuver). While on base and turning to a short final; I caught a glimpse of an aircraft just to the right of that nose of the aircraft and at close to our altitude; who appeared to have the same descent rate we had. Essentially; the aircraft incorrectly entered the pattern (made a straight in for runway 21) without making any radio calls and completely ignoring ours. I took immediate evasive action and conducted a climbing right turn to the right with full power; and flew away from the field; where I conducted a 360 degree right turn to ensure the aircraft was on the ground and off the runway. We completed that final touch and go and returned to [base]. It is my strong belief that this individual displayed a total disregard for aeronautical decision making; proper planning; and was complacent enough to fly right into our path of flight and show no sign of realizing he/she had done so.


Original NASA ASRS Text

Title: PA28R student pilot reported an airborne conflict with another aircraft at TTA; a non-Tower airport.

Narrative: While conducting a commercial maneuvers' training flight with my instructor; we encountered a near midair collision. We had been remaining in the pattern at TTA for some time; completing about five landings before the incident occurred. We were monitoring the CTAF frequency for the airport and making calls for crosswind; down wind; base and final as you would in any non-towered environment. To confirm we were on the correct frequency; at the time we the incident occurred; there was a helicopter circling the field about 1;500 feet higher than we were who was responding to our calls and giving us his position. For the details of the specific incident; we were conducting a power off 180 degree landing (commercial training maneuver). While on base and turning to a short final; I caught a glimpse of an aircraft just to the right of that nose of the aircraft and at close to our altitude; who appeared to have the same descent rate we had. Essentially; the aircraft incorrectly entered the pattern (made a straight in for runway 21) without making any radio calls and completely ignoring ours. I took immediate evasive action and conducted a climbing right turn to the right with full power; and flew away from the field; where I conducted a 360 degree right turn to ensure the aircraft was on the ground and off the runway. We completed that final touch and go and returned to [base]. It is my strong belief that this individual displayed a total disregard for aeronautical decision making; proper planning; and was complacent enough to fly right into our path of flight and show no sign of realizing he/she had done so.

Data retrieved from NASA's ASRS site and automatically converted to unabbreviated mixed upper/lowercase text. This report is for informational purposes with no guarantee of accuracy. See NASA's ASRS site for official report.