
Flew VFR and started announcing our intentions 20 miles to the east to land at guc. On landing didn't see any other traffic. When I set the nose wheel down and looked down the runway here is a [commercial fixed wing aircraft] proceeding toward us on centerline on his takeoff roll. Both aircraft took action to the right of centerline and avoided each other. [Communicated] with flight crew; they said their radio was bad and they never heard us.


Original NASA ASRS Text

Title: C414 pilot reports commencing CTAF procedures 20 NM out for landing at GUC with no response from other aircraft. After touchdown; another aircraft is noted taking off in the opposite direction. Each moves to the right and pass on the runway. The other aircraft's crew later reports they had a bad radio.

Narrative: Flew VFR and started announcing our intentions 20 miles to the east to land at GUC. On landing didn't see any other traffic. When I set the nose wheel down and looked down the runway here is a [commercial fixed wing aircraft] proceeding toward us on centerline on his takeoff roll. Both aircraft took action to the right of centerline and avoided each other. [Communicated] with Flight Crew; they said their radio was bad and they never heard us.

Data retrieved from NASA's ASRS site and automatically converted to unabbreviated mixed upper/lowercase text. This report is for informational purposes with no guarantee of accuracy. See NASA's ASRS site for official report.