37000 Feet | Browse and search NASA's Aviation Safety Reporting System |
Attributes | |
ACN | 1279988 |
Time | |
Date | 201507 |
Local Time Of Day | 1201-1800 |
Place | |
Locale Reference | ZAB.ARTCC |
State Reference | NM |
Aircraft 1 | |
Make Model Name | Airbus Industrie Undifferentiated or Other Model |
Operating Under FAR Part | Part 91 |
Flight Phase | Climb |
Route In Use | Airway J2 |
Flight Plan | IFR |
Person 1 | |
Function | Pilot Flying Captain |
Qualification | Flight Crew Air Transport Pilot (ATP) |
Person 2 | |
Function | Pilot Not Flying First Officer |
Qualification | Flight Crew Air Transport Pilot (ATP) |
Events | |
Anomaly | ATC Issue All Types Airspace Violation All Types Deviation - Procedural Clearance Deviation - Track / Heading All Types |
Flight was a test flight after maintenance on the rudder and elevator components. Profile was to fly min of an hour and climb between 290-310Kts where multiple events had occurred. On the climb out at 300Kts abq center did query about this being a test flight. We were cleared [route X for our] first clearance; we were on heading vectors and the controller asked to reroute us [route Y]. I was concerned with the reroute and fuel because it was a much longer route. We asked for [route Z] and the arrival. Controller asked if we could turn within 9 miles. We stated yes thinking she needed the turn to start before 9 miles. We were cleared gila bend which was 180 degrees behind us. Direct tus. As we started the left turn I left it in heading for a steeper bank angle versus navigation. Half way through the turn controller asked us to increase the bank. I kicked off the autopilot and rolled to 35 degrees of bank. We were heading direct to gila bend VOR. Aqb center told us to call a phone number when we land. We asked why? Response was we were told to turn within 9 miles and we turned in 14? We started the turn on a vector? We called the center and spoke with the manager. He stated we went into restricted area but the military 'called a cease fire' so it was ok. Clear direction from ATC with turn reference with DME from an actual nav aid. Not pilotage 9 miles?
Original NASA ASRS Text
Title: Airbus flight crew reported entering restricted military airspace after ATC asks if they can make a turn within 9 NM. Crew thinks that means start turn within 9 NM.
Narrative: Flight was a test flight after maintenance on the rudder and elevator components. Profile was to fly min of an hour and climb between 290-310Kts where multiple events had occurred. On the climb out at 300Kts ABQ Center did query about this being a test flight. We were cleared [Route X for our] first clearance; we were on heading vectors and the controller asked to reroute us [Route Y]. I was concerned with the reroute and fuel because it was a much longer route. We asked for [Route Z] and the arrival. Controller asked if we could turn within 9 miles. We stated yes thinking she needed the turn to start before 9 miles. We were cleared Gila Bend which was 180 degrees behind us. Direct TUS. As we started the left turn I left it in heading for a steeper bank angle versus NAV. Half way through the turn controller asked us to increase the bank. I kicked off the autopilot and rolled to 35 degrees of bank. We were heading direct to Gila Bend VOR. AQB center told us to call a phone number when we land. We asked why? Response was we were told to turn within 9 miles and we turned in 14? We started the turn on a vector? We called the center and spoke with the manager. He stated we went into restricted area but the military 'called a cease fire' so it was ok. Clear direction from ATC with turn reference with DME from an actual nav aid. Not pilotage 9 miles?
Data retrieved from NASA's ASRS site and automatically converted to unabbreviated mixed upper/lowercase text. This report is for informational purposes with no guarantee of accuracy. See NASA's ASRS site for official report.