
We were vectored to final for traffic avoidance and sequencing. On final; approximately 3 miles from the airport our landing clearance was cancelled and we were directed to the overhead pattern at or above 2200 MSL with midfield break to left. We executed the maneuver and were cleared to land again. Upon rolling out on short final; the first officer spotted the T-38. We were at approximately 500 ft agl. Throughout the rollout onto final tower had told the T-38 about westwind traffic and he reported us in sight. We were close enough to see the T-38's pilot looking for us. We landed uneventfully and the T-38 landed shortly after us.


Original NASA ASRS Text

Title: After initially being vectored for a straight in approach a Westwind twin jet Captain is cleared to make an overhead entry into the VFR traffic pattern. At 500 feet AGL on final a T38 is spotted by the First Officer in close proximity but the approach is continued to landing. The Tower had advised the T38 pilot of the Westwind traffic he was to follow and the T38 pilot had reported the traffic in sight.

Narrative: We were vectored to final for traffic avoidance and sequencing. On final; approximately 3 miles from the airport our landing clearance was cancelled and we were directed to the overhead pattern at or above 2200 MSL with midfield break to left. We executed the maneuver and were cleared to land again. Upon rolling out on short final; the first officer spotted the T-38. We were at approximately 500 ft agl. Throughout the rollout onto final tower had told the T-38 about Westwind traffic and he reported us in sight. We were close enough to see the T-38's pilot looking for us. We landed uneventfully and the T-38 landed shortly after us.

Data retrieved from NASA's ASRS site and automatically converted to unabbreviated mixed upper/lowercase text. This report is for informational purposes with no guarantee of accuracy. See NASA's ASRS site for official report.