
After reading our ATC clearance campbell radio; 122.0; stated an aircraft was on three mile final. We loaded/checked our FMS; completed our after engine start checklists; and taxied from base of the tower-like building that is campbell radio but not an actual control tower at cybl; campbell river; british columbia; which; as we understand it; operates as an uncontrolled airport; although campbell radio is on the field. We were broadcasting our progress and intentions but heard no responses and thought the other aircraft had landed; although we did not see it; because we were running checks prior to taxi and did not see it during taxi. We announced that we intended to enter the runway at taxiway a and back taxi for runway 30; because it appeared to be necessary; although actually we could have continued on taxiway C to the hold point for runway 30. Our mistake was not checking the airport diagram closely enough! As we crossed the hold line at taxiway a we saw an aircraft on high go around; higher than on a normal approach; which is why we didn't see it where we were expecting to see any aircraft. When we questioned the other aircraft; we received a reply that our call had been heard and the pilot had made a go-around. We made a 180 degree turn back in to taxiway a; at which time campbell radio noted to us that we could use taxiway C to reach the hold point for runway 30. There was no other conversation. We taxied to runway 30 announcing our intentions and departed; contacting comox control on departure as instructed. There was no conflict as such; but we should have used taxiway C initially and looked more comprehensively for other aircraft and made sure where the other aircraft was. The other aircraft made no calls; other than when we questioned; as far as we are aware.


Original NASA ASRS Text

Title: C525 First Officer reported another aircraft executed a go-around when they taxied onto Runway 30 at CYBL; a non-Tower airport.

Narrative: After reading our ATC clearance Campbell Radio; 122.0; stated an aircraft was on three mile final. We loaded/checked our FMS; completed our after engine start checklists; and taxied from base of the tower-like building that is Campbell Radio but not an actual control tower at CYBL; Campbell River; British Columbia; which; as we understand it; operates as an uncontrolled airport; although Campbell Radio is on the field. We were broadcasting our progress and intentions but heard no responses and thought the other aircraft had landed; although we did not see it; because we were running checks prior to taxi and did not see it during taxi. We announced that we intended to enter the runway at taxiway A and back taxi for runway 30; because it appeared to be necessary; although actually we could have continued on taxiway C to the hold point for runway 30. Our mistake was not checking the airport diagram closely enough! As we crossed the hold line at taxiway A we saw an aircraft on high go around; higher than on a normal approach; which is why we didn't see it where we were expecting to see any aircraft. When we questioned the other aircraft; we received a reply that our call had been heard and the pilot had made a go-around. We made a 180 degree turn back in to taxiway A; at which time Campbell Radio noted to us that we could use taxiway C to reach the hold point for runway 30. There was no other conversation. We taxied to runway 30 announcing our intentions and departed; contacting COMOX control on departure as instructed. There was no conflict as such; but we should have used taxiway C initially and looked more comprehensively for other aircraft and made sure where the other aircraft was. The other aircraft made no calls; other than when we questioned; as far as we are aware.

Data retrieved from NASA's ASRS site and automatically converted to unabbreviated mixed upper/lowercase text. This report is for informational purposes with no guarantee of accuracy. See NASA's ASRS site for official report.