
After a long day of IMC flying in very poor weather I had a classic case of 'get-there-itis' and during my instrument approach I was high. I had gotten to minimums and had visual of the threshold. I knew I was high but I deemed with a little slip and no power I could make the airfield. I landed [and] due to my speed I bounced once and then finally put it down. Due to heavy rain I had very poor braking action and ran off the end of the runway. My speed at the runoff was around a brisk taxi. I applied full brakes and full aft controls in order to not sink in the mud. I avoided all lights and advised the tower. There was no damage to person; aircraft; or airport facilities. I probably went about 20 feet into the grass. I turned around and taxied to the ramp.


Original NASA ASRS Text

Title: C182 pilot reported a runway excursion after landing long in heavy rain conditions.

Narrative: After a long day of IMC flying in very poor weather I had a classic case of 'get-there-itis' and during my instrument approach I was high. I had gotten to minimums and had visual of the threshold. I knew I was high but I deemed with a little slip and no power I could make the airfield. I landed [and] due to my speed I bounced once and then finally put it down. Due to heavy rain I had very poor braking action and ran off the end of the runway. My speed at the runoff was around a brisk taxi. I applied full brakes and full aft controls in order to not sink in the mud. I avoided all lights and advised the tower. There was no damage to person; aircraft; or airport facilities. I probably went about 20 feet into the grass. I turned around and taxied to the ramp.

Data retrieved from NASA's ASRS site and automatically converted to unabbreviated mixed upper/lowercase text. This report is for informational purposes with no guarantee of accuracy. See NASA's ASRS site for official report.