
Socal TRACON (sct) called to point out aircraft X on departure procedure (dp) toward pmd VOR leaving 10;000 feet climbing. Ant [antelope] sector works at or below (aob) 13;000 feet at pmd VOR. Ant controller attempted to issue turn to the sct controller who then advised that communication had already been transferred to ZLA.aircraft X showed 380 kts ground speed and climb rate well below 1000 fpm. Ant controller issued turns to two arrivals to miss aircraft X. The new RNAV HAYEZ5 dp from vny enters ant airspace direct pmd head on with arrival routings to vny; bur; smo; ntd; cma and oxr. The dp shortens the flying distance for vny departures vs. The NUAL9 dp which makes the aircraft considerably lower when proceeding to pmd. [Recommend] discontinue use of the HAYEZ5 and use only the NUAL9 when vny runway 34.


Original NASA ASRS Text

Title: ZLA Center Controller reported that the RNAV HAYEZ5 departure procedure placed aircraft in conflict with arrivals to multiple airports in the LA Area.

Narrative: SoCal TRACON (SCT) called to point out Aircraft X on Departure Procedure (DP) toward PMD VOR leaving 10;000 feet climbing. ANT [Antelope] sector works At or Below (AOB) 13;000 feet at PMD VOR. ANT controller attempted to issue turn to the SCT controller who then advised that communication had already been transferred to ZLA.Aircraft X showed 380 kts ground speed and climb rate well below 1000 fpm. ANT controller issued turns to two arrivals to miss Aircraft X. The new RNAV HAYEZ5 DP from VNY enters ANT airspace direct PMD head on with arrival routings to VNY; BUR; SMO; NTD; CMA and OXR. The DP shortens the flying distance for VNY departures vs. the NUAL9 DP which makes the aircraft considerably lower when proceeding to PMD. [Recommend] Discontinue use of the HAYEZ5 and use only the NUAL9 when VNY Runway 34.

Data retrieved from NASA's ASRS site and automatically converted to unabbreviated mixed upper/lowercase text. This report is for informational purposes with no guarantee of accuracy. See NASA's ASRS site for official report.