
I went for a short flight just to get out and enjoy the day. Flew over to [destination airport]; landed and got 23 gallons of fuel. At xa:13PM I departed; heading back to [departure airport]. At approximately xa:28; I called the tower who told me to enter a 2 mile left base for runway 1. Winds were calm. About 4 minutes later; 4.5 miles out; I turned on the fuel pump; landing light; and lowered the gear. The right green light did not light. First thought was that it was the bulb but thought maybe it needed to be cycled. Raised the gear lever; then lowered it again. Same result. Swapped the left gear bulb; which was working and showing left gear locked; with the right gear bulb. Still not lit. Put the bulbs back in their proper place. Gear lever still down. Tower cleared me to land runway 1. I acknowledged; still thinking about what to do. Called the tower back and told them my issue and requested a low flyby so they could visually check the gear. They confirmed that the right main gear was partially extended. I raised the gear while the tower had me in sight and they told me the right main never fully retracted. That is when I knew this was real and not just a light or switch problem. The tower had me do a 360 on the downwind so they could again check the gear visually. Right main still not down. Pulled out my emergency checklist for gear issues. Tried yawing the plane; bouncing it up and down in the air and using the emergency extension handle.the tower suggested that I land in the grass next to runway 28. I needed to see that first; not realizing we had enough grass to land in. I requested a low pass on 28 and was cleared by the tower. Once I had a visual on the landing spot; I knew it could be done. Gear was up. I was verbally confirming to myself the opposite of what I usually say out loud: gear up and no green lights. Came around on a long final to get a stabilized approach and have enough time to slow down. Flying over the mall on approach I thought; this is it; the real thing. I get one chance at a good short field; soft field approach and landing. I tightened my shoulder straps and opened the door latch at the top.I knew I had to clear the final taxiway charlie before shutting down the engine. Over charlie; I shut down the throttle and confirmed no green lights; prepared for the impact. Pulled the mixture and felt the plane touch the grass. It wasn't the short quick stop I expected. I still thought the plane was sliding on its belly and it started veering to the right towards the fence. I tried left rudder thinking I was moving enough for the rudder to steer. At the last second; the plane ground-looped; missing the ditch and fence. Once stopped; I turned off all electrical; unbelted and got out of the plane. It was then that I realized the left main and front gear had come down. That was why I didn't stop as fast and why I veered right.


Original NASA ASRS Text

Title: A PA-28 pilot reported not being able to extend the Right Main Gear. After troubleshooting; the pilot attempted what he thought was a gear up landing in the grassy area next to the runway; but he was surprised when he touched down with the Nose Gear and Left Main Gear extended.

Narrative: I went for a short flight just to get out and enjoy the day. Flew over to [destination airport]; landed and got 23 gallons of fuel. At XA:13PM I departed; heading back to [departure airport]. At approximately XA:28; I called the Tower who told me to enter a 2 mile left base for Runway 1. Winds were calm. About 4 minutes later; 4.5 miles out; I turned on the fuel pump; landing light; and lowered the gear. The right green light did not light. First thought was that it was the bulb but thought maybe it needed to be cycled. Raised the gear lever; then lowered it again. Same result. Swapped the left gear bulb; which was working and showing left gear locked; with the right gear bulb. Still not lit. Put the bulbs back in their proper place. Gear lever still down. Tower cleared me to land Runway 1. I acknowledged; still thinking about what to do. Called the Tower back and told them my issue and requested a low flyby so they could visually check the gear. They confirmed that the right main gear was partially extended. I raised the gear while the tower had me in sight and they told me the right main never fully retracted. That is when I knew this was real and not just a light or switch problem. The Tower had me do a 360 on the downwind so they could again check the gear visually. Right main still not down. Pulled out my emergency checklist for gear issues. Tried yawing the plane; bouncing it up and down in the air and using the emergency extension handle.The Tower suggested that I land in the grass next to Runway 28. I needed to see that first; not realizing we had enough grass to land in. I requested a low pass on 28 and was cleared by the Tower. Once I had a visual on the landing spot; I knew it could be done. Gear was up. I was verbally confirming to myself the opposite of what I usually say out loud: gear UP and no green lights. Came around on a long final to get a stabilized approach and have enough time to slow down. Flying over the mall on approach I thought; this is it; the real thing. I get one chance at a good short field; soft field approach and landing. I tightened my shoulder straps and opened the door latch at the top.I knew I had to clear the final taxiway Charlie before shutting down the engine. Over Charlie; I shut down the throttle and confirmed no green lights; prepared for the impact. Pulled the mixture and felt the plane touch the grass. It wasn't the short quick stop I expected. I still thought the plane was sliding on its belly and it started veering to the right towards the fence. I tried left rudder thinking I was moving enough for the rudder to steer. At the last second; the plane ground-looped; missing the ditch and fence. Once stopped; I turned off all electrical; unbelted and got out of the plane. It was then that I realized the left main and front gear had come down. That was why I didn't stop as fast and why I veered right.

Data retrieved from NASA's ASRS site and automatically converted to unabbreviated mixed upper/lowercase text. This report is for informational purposes with no guarantee of accuracy. See NASA's ASRS site for official report.