
On approach to runway xr at ZZZ; extended landing gear and got unsafe indication-right main light out. Recycled and same thing so initiated missed approach to go up and troubleshoot. Changed light bulbs per the QRH (quick reference handbook) to see if that was it but was not. Then went through the gear will not extend hydraulically procedure; got a diversion to ZZZ1. Did the nitro blow-down and still no light. [Notified ATC]. Halfway to ZZZ1; the right gear light finally illuminated. Proceeded to land at ZZZ1 without further incident-the trucks were rolled. Stopped on the runway and shut down; airport ops bussed passenger to the gate. Mx (maintenance) came to tow aircraft to the hangar and the mx staff determined that there was a loose ground wire on the strut.


Original NASA ASRS Text

Title: Pilot flying C-402 encountered landing gear unsafe indication on approach.

Narrative: On approach to RWY XR at ZZZ; extended landing gear and got unsafe indication-Right Main light out. Recycled and same thing so initiated missed approach to go up and troubleshoot. Changed light bulbs per the QRH (Quick Reference Handbook) to see if that was it but was not. Then went through the gear will not extend hydraulically procedure; got a diversion to ZZZ1. Did the Nitro blow-down and still no light. [Notified ATC]. Halfway to ZZZ1; the right gear light finally illuminated. Proceeded to land at ZZZ1 without further incident-the trucks were rolled. Stopped on the runway and shut down; Airport Ops bussed passenger to the gate. Mx (Maintenance) came to tow aircraft to the hangar and the Mx staff determined that there was a loose ground wire on the strut.

Data retrieved from NASA's ASRS site and automatically converted to unabbreviated mixed upper/lowercase text. This report is for informational purposes with no guarantee of accuracy. See NASA's ASRS site for official report.