
After takeoff; the cabin experienced a fume event. The smell was oil based and strong. The aft flight attendant was experiencing burning eyes and discomfort. The first officer also complained of discomfort in the eyes. The aft flight attendants also complained of a headache.I instructed the cockpit crew to don oxygen. We first suspected deicing glycol but the nature of the smell was more oil based. We attempted to allow the smell to dissipate after takeoff but the flight attendant indicated it was not improving. Upon landing; the flight attendants and both pilots noticed the smell increased. The flight attendants indicated the smell was consistent with nail polish. Both flight attendants had expressed concern and one had asked to return to the field as one was uncomfortable and experiencing physical symptoms and did not feel capable of performing her duties. [Advised ATC] and returned to ZZZZ. EMS personnel boarded the airplane and confirmed concerns of fumes in the cabin but no visible haze or smoke. I; the captain; was not experiencing any physical symptoms (yet) however I did don oxygen as a precaution. With the condition of our aft flight attendant; we were obligated to get her medical attention and therefore [advised ATC] and returned to ZZZZ.


Original NASA ASRS Text

Title: ERJ-175 flight crew reported executing an uneventful air return due fumes in the cabin resulting in two crew members experiencing physiological symptoms.

Narrative: After takeoff; the cabin experienced a fume event. The smell was oil based and strong. The Aft Flight Attendant was experiencing burning eyes and discomfort. The First Officer also complained of discomfort in the eyes. The aft flight attendants also complained of a headache.I instructed the cockpit crew to don oxygen. We first suspected deicing glycol but the nature of the smell was more oil based. We attempted to allow the smell to dissipate after takeoff but the Flight Attendant indicated it was not improving. Upon landing; the flight attendants and both pilots noticed the smell increased. The flight attendants indicated the smell was consistent with nail polish. Both flight attendants had expressed concern and one had asked to return to the field as one was uncomfortable and experiencing physical symptoms and did not feel capable of performing her duties. [Advised ATC] and returned to ZZZZ. EMS personnel boarded the airplane and confirmed concerns of fumes in the cabin but no visible haze or smoke. I; the Captain; was not experiencing any physical symptoms (yet) however I did don oxygen as a precaution. With the condition of our Aft Flight Attendant; we were obligated to get her medical attention and therefore [advised ATC] and returned to ZZZZ.

Data retrieved from NASA's ASRS site and automatically converted to unabbreviated mixed upper/lowercase text. This report is for informational purposes with no guarantee of accuracy. See NASA's ASRS site for official report.