
The runway guard lights and in-pavement lights at the intersection of runway 4/22 and taxiway P1 at bwi have been inoperative and/or not used for months. I have pointed this out to ground control numerous times. The commercial chart page lists this intersection as a 'hot spot.' the first time I questioned that the lights were not working; ground explained to me that because of one airline's policy of confirming that they are cleared to cross runways that have guard lights that are active and the excess radio because of the policy; that they do not use the guard lights at the runway 4/22 and P1 intersection.


Original NASA ASRS Text

Title: Air carrier taxiing for departure at BWI questioned the decision to not operate runway guard lights at Runway 4/22 and Taxiway P1.

Narrative: The runway guard lights and in-pavement lights at the intersection of Runway 4/22 and Taxiway P1 at BWI have been inoperative and/or not used for months. I have pointed this out to Ground Control numerous times. The commercial chart page lists this intersection as a 'Hot Spot.' The first time I questioned that the lights were not working; Ground explained to me that because of one airline's policy of confirming that they are cleared to cross runways that have guard lights that are active and the excess radio because of the policy; that they do not use the guard lights at the Runway 4/22 and P1 Intersection.

Data retrieved from NASA's ASRS site as of April 2012 and automatically converted to unabbreviated mixed upper/lowercase text. This report is for informational purposes with no guarantee of accuracy. See NASA's ASRS site for official report.