
Aircraft X was an arrival to law airport from the northwest. Aircraft X was assigned 10;000 and handed off to altus approach. (East portion of altus approach underlies sheppard approach no. 1 MOA called blue 1). Altus approach called sector 34 right and advised controller 'aircraft X point out approved'; right controller verified approval to descend to 8000 with altus controller. (Shp 1 MOA owns 8000 to FL220; altus is 10;000 and below; fsi approach is adjacent to altus approach on the east side and owns 7000 and below; law is in fsi approach airspace). Altus accepted hand off on aircraft X thus right controller on 34 nor uret indicates what approach facility has hand off on aircraft X. Right controller called fsi with manual coordination on aircraft X due to aircraft proximity to right 5601. Fsi controller said to turn aircraft X south and he would work it out. The 34 right controller called altus for vector control to the south as told by fsi controller and assigned aircraft X a heading once aircraft X reached 8000 34 right controller assigned aircraft X fsi approach frequency. Fsi controller called and asked who had hand off on aircraft X; 34 right said don't have information on who; had assumed altus would flash data tag on to fsi when lts said point out approved. 34 right called lts and said flash handoff to fsi. Three to four minutes later; fsi controller called 34 right and said aircraft X was clear of lts; shp 1 MOA and sector 34 airspace because shp said they did not know anything about aircraft X. Recommendation; uret or host needs to be able to show what sector or facility has the hand off on an aircraft so that there is no confusion that all the right sectors and facilities are given information; not just saying (unk) in the uret or data block.


Original NASA ASRS Text

Title: ZFW Controller described confused and complex hand off attempt to an adjacent facility; listing stratified airspace and the failure of the HOST and URET equipment to identify handoff acceptance as causal factors.

Narrative: Aircraft X was an arrival to LAW Airport from the NW. Aircraft X was assigned 10;000 and handed off to Altus Approach. (East portion of Altus Approach underlies Sheppard Approach No. 1 MOA called Blue 1). Altus Approach called sector 34 R and advised controller 'Aircraft X Point out approved'; R controller verified approval to descend to 8000 with Altus controller. (SHP 1 MOA owns 8000 to FL220; ALtus is 10;000 and below; FSI Approach is adjacent to Altus Approach on the East side and owns 7000 and below; LAW is in FSI Approach airspace). Altus accepted hand off on Aircraft X thus R Controller on 34 nor URET indicates what Approach facility has hand off on Aircraft X. R Controller called FSI with manual coordination on Aircraft X due to aircraft proximity to R 5601. FSI controller said to turn Aircraft X south and he would work it out. The 34 R Controller called Altus for vector control to the south as told by FSI Controller and assigned Aircraft X a heading once Aircraft X reached 8000 34 R Controller assigned Aircraft X FSI Approach frequency. FSI Controller called and asked who had hand off on Aircraft X; 34 R said don't have information on who; had assumed Altus would flash data tag on to FSI when LTS said point out approved. 34 R called LTS and said flash handoff to FSI. Three to four minutes later; FSI Controller called 34 R and said Aircraft X was clear of LTS; SHP 1 MOA and Sector 34 airspace because SHP said they did not know anything about Aircraft X. Recommendation; URET or HOST needs to be able to show what sector or facility has the hand off on an aircraft so that there is no confusion that all the right sectors and facilities are given information; not just saying (UNK) in the URET or data block.

Data retrieved from NASA's ASRS site as of April 2012 and automatically converted to unabbreviated mixed upper/lowercase text. This report is for informational purposes with no guarantee of accuracy. See NASA's ASRS site for official report.