
Weather at planned destination [was] operational and above minimums for approach at departure time. Flight departed and weather at first alternate began to deteriorate prior to arrival [at] planned destination. [I] did not delete the first alternate as an alternate due to [it] still having legal alternate minimums. During this timeframe; also had shift/desk turnover situation explained to relieving dispatcher turnover completed. A few minutes after turnover; aircraft had onboard equip malfunction and unable to continue the rnp approach to the planned destination. Captain called and said his fuel on board was 8.2; he was going to try another approach into the planned destination. I quickly scanned the new first alternate; the planned destination; and a second alternate's weather; and looked at the cameras that face the arrival into the planned destination. I determined that a missed approach would be a low fuel situation. The weather had deteriorated at the first alternate since his departure. It is less than 15 min; subsequently I asked the captain to divert to the second alternate. The burn to the second alternate is 4.0.


Original NASA ASRS Text

Title: Faced with bad weather and reduced RNP capability; a Dispatcher determined it best to advise a flight to divert to a station with better weather.

Narrative: Weather at planned destination [was] operational and above minimums for approach at departure time. Flight departed and weather at first alternate began to deteriorate prior to arrival [at] planned destination. [I] did not delete the first alternate as an alternate due to [it] still having legal alternate minimums. During this timeframe; also had shift/desk turnover situation explained to relieving Dispatcher turnover completed. A few minutes after turnover; aircraft had onboard equip malfunction and unable to continue the RNP approach to the planned destination. Captain called and said his fuel on board was 8.2; he was going to try another approach into the planned destination. I quickly scanned the new first alternate; the planned destination; and a second alternate's weather; and looked at the cameras that face the arrival into the planned destination. I determined that a missed approach would be a low fuel situation. The weather had deteriorated at the first alternate since his departure. It is less than 15 min; subsequently I asked the Captain to divert to the second alternate. The burn to the second alternate is 4.0.

Data retrieved from NASA's ASRS site as of April 2012 and automatically converted to unabbreviated mixed upper/lowercase text. This report is for informational purposes with no guarantee of accuracy. See NASA's ASRS site for official report.