
[This report] regards to recent changes requiring flight attendants to stand in demo position in mid cabin. As purser I felt; as did the flight attendant that was standing in mid cabin that doors 3 left and right were not being covered during taxi out. Demo position in mid cabin is roughly 15 rows away from the doors at 3 left/right. On return flight I asked the flight attendant to return to doors 3 for video demo. What is more important? Door coverage or cabin display. If evacuation was initiated during taxi this flight attendant would have a very difficult returning to exit door 3 left/right fighting passengers blocking their way back to aft exit doors. I have no problem with other flight attendants as their demo position is right next to exit door.


Original NASA ASRS Text

Title: B757 Purse laments new company procedures requiring the aft Flight Attendant to stand mid cabin during the safety briefing; well away from his/her assigned doors at 3L/R.

Narrative: [This report] regards to recent changes requiring flight attendants to stand in demo position in mid cabin. As Purser I felt; as did the Flight Attendant that was standing in mid cabin that doors 3 left and right were not being covered during taxi out. Demo position in mid cabin is roughly 15 rows away from the doors at 3 left/right. On return flight I asked the Flight Attendant to return to doors 3 for video demo. What is more important? Door coverage or cabin display. If evacuation was initiated during taxi this Flight Attendant would have a very difficult returning to exit door 3 left/right fighting passengers blocking their way back to aft exit doors. I have no problem with other flight attendants as their demo position is right next to exit door.

Data retrieved from NASA's ASRS site as of April 2012 and automatically converted to unabbreviated mixed upper/lowercase text. This report is for informational purposes with no guarantee of accuracy. See NASA's ASRS site for official report.