
I cleared aircraft X off of ZZZ2 to ZZZ3; giving him no frequency because the aircraft actually called on departure frequency to get their clearance. The aircraft departed ZZZ2 and called me off the ground at ZZZ2; I acknowledged the aircraft and proceed to point out the aircraft to ZZZ1 who never acknowledged my transmission on the air. ZZZ1 gave me the traffic they had which I observed. When I went to move the aircraft around the ZZZ1 traffic; ZZZ sector ab called and said aircraft X is on his frequency; and he has traffic. I told the ZZZ controller that I never talked to him; and that aircraft X was his control with me and ZZZ1 gave me the point out. The ZZZ controller separated the aircraft with no loss of separation. Recommend that even though aircraft at ZZZ2 get their clearance on departure frequency; when it comes time to giving a frequency in my clearance; I will give them 'departure frequency will be this frequency' to avoid confusion.


Original NASA ASRS Text

Title: A TRACON Controller described a potential conflict that occurred when the clearance issued to an IFR aircraft departing a satellite airport was less than clear regarding the frequency to be used.

Narrative: I cleared Aircraft X off of ZZZ2 to ZZZ3; giving him no frequency because the aircraft actually called on departure frequency to get their clearance. The aircraft departed ZZZ2 and called me off the ground at ZZZ2; I acknowledged the aircraft and proceed to point out the aircraft to ZZZ1 who never acknowledged my transmission on the air. ZZZ1 gave me the traffic they had which I observed. When I went to move the aircraft around the ZZZ1 traffic; ZZZ Sector AB called and said Aircraft X is on his frequency; and he has traffic. I told the ZZZ Controller that I never talked to him; and that Aircraft X was his control with me and ZZZ1 gave me the point out. The ZZZ controller separated the aircraft with no loss of separation. Recommend that even though aircraft at ZZZ2 get their clearance on departure frequency; when it comes time to giving a frequency in my clearance; I will give them 'departure frequency will be this frequency' to avoid confusion.

Data retrieved from NASA's ASRS site as of April 2012 and automatically converted to unabbreviated mixed upper/lowercase text. This report is for informational purposes with no guarantee of accuracy. See NASA's ASRS site for official report.