
On approach received fourteenth stage red cas message for a cowl over heat. Ran the QRH and as directed came in with the left engine at idle and flaps 20 landing. [We] did not declare an emergency. Good landing on second attempt. First attempt we had to do a go around due to traffic on the runway. We requested the longest runway because we had only one reverser and only 20 flaps. Cas alerted to the 14 stage malfunction also no engine anti ice was on at the time.


Original NASA ASRS Text

Title: CRJ200 cowl overheats during approach; the QRH procedures require a flaps 20 approach with the offending engine at idle. A switch to the longest runway results in a go around due to traffic on the runway.

Narrative: On approach received fourteenth stage Red CAS message for a cowl over heat. Ran the QRH and as directed came in with the left engine at idle and flaps 20 landing. [We] did not declare an emergency. Good landing on second attempt. First attempt we had to do a go around due to traffic on the runway. We requested the longest runway because we had only one reverser and only 20 flaps. CAS alerted to the 14 stage malfunction also no engine anti ice was on at the time.

Data retrieved from NASA's ASRS site as of April 2012 and automatically converted to unabbreviated mixed upper/lowercase text. This report is for informational purposes with no guarantee of accuracy. See NASA's ASRS site for official report.