
Tower issued takeoff clearance with right downwind departure approved. Just after turning crosswind to downwind and climbing; a low wing airplane came from behind and right descending into the pattern. It came very close to our right wing tip. There was no call from the tower about traffic and no way we could have seen a faster airplane from behind. Just as we saw the other aircraft; the tower controller said to the aircraft; 'oh there is another airplane in the pattern departing.' that call came way too late. In a see and be seen rule; we cannot figure how the other pilot did not see us off his nose or why the tower did not issue a heads up call; but it happened. Deer valley airport is the busiest general aviation airport in the nation and extra vigilance on everyone's part is required. Because of the high volume of traffic at dvt; it would be helpful if the tower could have primary radar system so they could have better information to separate traffic.


Original NASA ASRS Text

Title: A pilot departing DVT on a right downwind departure reported a near miss with an arriving aircraft at 2;400 FT with no ATC alert until after the encounter.

Narrative: Tower issued takeoff clearance with right downwind departure approved. Just after turning crosswind to downwind and climbing; a low wing airplane came from behind and right descending into the pattern. It came very close to our right wing tip. There was no call from the Tower about traffic and no way we could have seen a faster airplane from behind. Just as we saw the other aircraft; the Tower Controller said to the aircraft; 'oh there is another airplane in the pattern departing.' That call came way too late. In a see and be seen rule; we cannot figure how the other pilot did not see us off his nose or why the Tower did not issue a heads up call; but it happened. Deer Valley Airport is the busiest general aviation airport in the nation and extra vigilance on everyone's part is required. Because of the high volume of traffic at DVT; it would be helpful if the Tower could have primary radar system so they could have better information to separate traffic.

Data retrieved from NASA's ASRS site as of July 2013 and automatically converted to unabbreviated mixed upper/lowercase text. This report is for informational purposes with no guarantee of accuracy. See NASA's ASRS site for official report.