
As instructed; we were holding short of runway 27R on taxiway K3. The controller issued us instructions to 'expedite; cleared to cross 27R.' using sops; I looked to my left to verify 'clear left' and that it was safe to cross. As our aircraft crossed the hold short line; the controller changed his mind and told us to 'hold short'. We told him that we were unable to comply with his new clearance because we had crossed the hold short line. He then told us to continue to cross the runway. I believe that the aircraft on final approach was given go-around instructions.although we used sops to verify the safety of our runway crossing; the controller changed his clearance too late.


Original NASA ASRS Text

Title: After flight crew received a clearance to expedite crossing PHL Runway 27R; they were subsequently told to hold short. Unable to comply due to having already passed the hold short line; they were re-cleared to cross runway. This resulted a go-around for an aircraft on final approach to the same runway.

Narrative: As instructed; we were holding short of RWY 27R on Taxiway K3. The controller issued us instructions to 'Expedite; cleared to cross 27R.' Using SOPs; I looked to my left to verify 'Clear left' and that it was safe to cross. As our aircraft crossed the Hold Short Line; the controller changed his mind and told us to 'hold short'. We told him that we were unable to comply with his new clearance because we had crossed the Hold Short Line. He then told us to continue to cross the runway. I believe that the aircraft on final approach was given go-around instructions.Although we used SOPs to verify the safety of our runway crossing; the controller changed his clearance too late.

Data retrieved from NASA's ASRS site and automatically converted to unabbreviated mixed upper/lowercase text. This report is for informational purposes with no guarantee of accuracy. See NASA's ASRS site for official report.