
Upon landing on runway with mild variable winds; VFR weather; touched down within recommended speeds. Brought full back pressure on controls; experienced unilateral braking to right wheel; resulting in aircraft turning in direction of area between runway and taxiway. Additional braking applied to left wheel to attempt to straighten course of aircraft without success. Aircraft proceeded to enter gravel ditch between runway and taxiway. Back pressure continuously applied to maintain nose-up position throughout incident so as to avoid prop strike. Aircraft brought to complete stop in gravel area prior to entry onto taxi-way; no runway/taxiway incursion.


Original NASA ASRS Text

Title: The Pilot of a C172 experienced asymmetrical braking for unknown reason during landing that resulted in a runway excursion.

Narrative: Upon landing on runway with mild variable winds; VFR weather; touched down within recommended speeds. Brought full back pressure on controls; experienced unilateral braking to R wheel; resulting in aircraft turning in direction of area between runway and taxiway. Additional braking applied to L wheel to attempt to straighten course of aircraft without success. Aircraft proceeded to enter gravel ditch between runway and taxiway. Back pressure continuously applied to maintain nose-up position throughout incident so as to avoid prop strike. Aircraft brought to complete stop in gravel area prior to entry onto taxi-way; no runway/taxiway incursion.

Data retrieved from NASA's ASRS site and automatically converted to unabbreviated mixed upper/lowercase text. This report is for informational purposes with no guarantee of accuracy. See NASA's ASRS site for official report.