
During taxi on lake hood for takeoff; I was instructed to taxi in the slow lane and cross the north/south water lane at airmen's point. Then call when ready for a departure from the southeast water lane. The winds that day had been increasing from near calm that morning to 15 kts steady with higher gusts [in the afternoon] and thereafter. As I approached airmen's point the winds increased as there is a natural 'choke point' there. I attempted to round the corner to cross the north/ south lane; however the winds would not allow me to maneuver the aircraft as instructed; and only pushed me into the southeast water lane (left quartering tailwind). I immediately informed tower of my situation and that I was now entering the southeast lane. Another aircraft that was on final for southeast water lane was asked to 'go around' but he indicated that he would like to continue the landing as I was already clearing his water lane. Both he and I were eventually no conflict and no evasive maneuvers were required.


Original NASA ASRS Text

Title: PA18 floatplane pilot reported being unable to comply with his taxi clearance on Lake Hood due to a strong quartering tailwind. He ended up drifting into a water lane causing a conflict with an aircraft on final approach.

Narrative: During taxi on Lake Hood for takeoff; I was instructed to taxi in the slow lane and cross the North/South water lane at Airmen's Point. Then call when ready for a departure from the Southeast water lane. The winds that day had been increasing from near calm that morning to 15 kts steady with higher gusts [in the afternoon] and thereafter. As I approached Airmen's Point the winds increased as there is a natural 'choke point' there. I attempted to round the corner to cross the North/ South lane; however the winds would not allow me to maneuver the aircraft as instructed; and only pushed me into the southeast water lane (left quartering tailwind). I immediately informed Tower of my situation and that I was now entering the Southeast lane. Another aircraft that was on final for SE water lane was asked to 'go around' but he indicated that he would like to continue the landing as I was already clearing his water lane. Both he and I were eventually no conflict and no evasive maneuvers were required.

Data retrieved from NASA's ASRS site and automatically converted to unabbreviated mixed upper/lowercase text. This report is for informational purposes with no guarantee of accuracy. See NASA's ASRS site for official report.