
[We] were flying a diamond DA42 ng twinstar. On our take-off; approximately 600 AGL over the departure end of runway 13 we experienced a power loss in our right engine. There was no engine or ecu annunciation; however the power indicated that we were at 32% power and our throttle lever was set to full. I pulled back the power to verify and we felt a small change in thrust to our right engine. I estimate that we were getting somewhere between 15-20% the regular amount of full throttle thrust. We [advised ATC] and in left traffic climbed to 1500 AGL before going through the troubleshoot checklist to no avail. We landed on runway 13 with no further problems; shut down the right engine and proceeded back [the airport].


Original NASA ASRS Text

Title: Diamond DA42NG instructors reported a right engine power loss on takeoff with a subsequent return for landing. Right engine was reported to be developing some power.

Narrative: [We] were flying a diamond DA42 NG Twinstar. On our take-off; approximately 600 AGL over the departure end of Runway 13 we experienced a power loss in our right engine. There was no engine or ECU annunciation; however the power indicated that we were at 32% power and our throttle lever was set to full. I pulled back the power to verify and we felt a small change in thrust to our right engine. I estimate that we were getting somewhere between 15-20% the regular amount of full throttle thrust. We [advised ATC] and in left traffic climbed to 1500 AGL before going through the troubleshoot checklist to no avail. We landed on runway 13 with no further problems; shut down the right engine and proceeded back [the airport].

Data retrieved from NASA's ASRS site and automatically converted to unabbreviated mixed upper/lowercase text. This report is for informational purposes with no guarantee of accuracy. See NASA's ASRS site for official report.