
Shortly after departure during the climb phase we experienced a high oil temperature indication [in number 1 engine]. The temperature was approximately 198 degrees and was discovered at 26;000 feet. The thrust lever was retarded with only a marginal decrease in temperature. We decided to level off at 26;000 feet; 2;000 feet below the single engine drift down altitude; and perform the appropriate QRH procedure. The QRH procedures were accomplished by the captain while I flew the aircraft and communicated with both center and tower during the diversion. I performed the single engine visual approach with no problems and an uneventful taxi to the gate.


Original NASA ASRS Text

Title: CRJ-200 FO reported diverting to an alternate airport after experiencing high oil temperature in Number 1 engine.

Narrative: Shortly after departure during the climb phase we experienced a high oil temperature indication [in Number 1 engine]. The temperature was approximately 198 Degrees and was discovered at 26;000 feet. The thrust lever was retarded with only a marginal decrease in temperature. We decided to level off at 26;000 feet; 2;000 feet below the single engine drift down altitude; and perform the appropriate QRH procedure. The QRH procedures were accomplished by the Captain while I flew the aircraft and communicated with both Center and Tower during the diversion. I performed the single engine visual approach with no problems and an uneventful taxi to the gate.

Data retrieved from NASA's ASRS site and automatically converted to unabbreviated mixed upper/lowercase text. This report is for informational purposes with no guarantee of accuracy. See NASA's ASRS site for official report.