
Visual approach became extremely unstable (speed in excess of 170; vsi -1200) accompanied by multiple EICAS caution messages including auto throttle fail & FD vertical mode off. First officer (first officer) called for go-around (GA); captain (ca) ignored SOP & wanted to continue; first officer repeated go-around accompanied with 'unstable'. Ca resisted; first officer initiated throttle advancement; ca froze and unable to perform required actions and callouts; first officer assisted by prompting ca of required actions & callouts; first officer made multiple repeat calls for the ca to press the toga buttons; eventually first officer intervened by doing it myself. First officer told ATC tower 'aircraft X; going around; declaring minimum fuel.'ca exceeded flap speed limitation & aircraft was climbing at very high speed; speed tape in the red; first officer exercised and took control of the aircraft and communications to bring the aircraft out of an unsafe situation and to a stable safe speed within the limitations. Aircraft stable passing 3;160 feet. ATC failure to acknowledge minimum fuel advisory and to provide GA instructions for the GA from a visual approach. Passing 3;300 feet; ATC finally acknowledged and provided conflicting and non-applicable GA instructions; ATC said; 'aircraft X climb and maintain 3;000; runway heading'. First officer whilst flying pushed hand ptt mic and stated; 'aircraft X unable 3;000; passing 3;300; you gave it to me late; I am able 4;000.' ATC failed to respond and seemed more focused on other aircraft. First officer asked ca; 'can you please acknowledge all ATC instructions and enter them accordingly such as heading etc.'on downwind vector; first officer asked ATC 'aircraft X; I want to clarify altitude 4;000;' ATC response; 'negative aircraft X; 3;000 heading 360 contact departure'. Departure contacted and descended to 3;000.all pilot-skill errors above; pertaining to ca's actions; not myself - the first officer. All selected items above to honestly indicate cause and; mitigating factors.


Original NASA ASRS Text

Title: ERJ-175 First Officer reported a breakdown of CRM on final resulting in an unstabilized approach.

Narrative: Visual Approach became extremely unstable (speed in excess of 170; VSI -1200) accompanied by multiple EICAS CAUTION Messages including Auto Throttle FAIL & FD VERT MODE OFF. First Officer (FO) called for Go-Around (GA); Captain (CA) ignored SOP & wanted to continue; FO repeated Go-Around accompanied with 'unstable'. CA resisted; FO initiated Throttle advancement; CA Froze and unable to perform required actions and callouts; FO assisted by prompting CA of required actions & callouts; FO made multiple repeat calls for the CA to press the TOGA buttons; eventually FO intervened by doing it myself. FO told ATC Tower 'Aircraft X; going around; declaring minimum fuel.'CA exceeded Flap Speed Limitation & aircraft was climbing at very high speed; Speed Tape in the Red; FO exercised and took control of the aircraft and communications to bring the aircraft out of an unsafe situation and to a stable safe speed within the limitations. Aircraft stable passing 3;160 feet. ATC failure to acknowledge minimum fuel advisory and to provide GA instructions for the GA from a Visual Approach. Passing 3;300 feet; ATC finally acknowledged and provided conflicting and non-applicable GA instructions; ATC said; 'Aircraft X climb and maintain 3;000; runway heading'. FO whilst flying pushed hand PTT mic and stated; 'Aircraft X unable 3;000; passing 3;300; you gave it to me late; I am able 4;000.' ATC failed to respond and seemed more focused on other aircraft. FO asked CA; 'can you please acknowledge all ATC instructions and enter them accordingly such as HDG etc.'On downwind vector; FO asked ATC 'Aircraft X; I want to clarify Altitude 4;000;' ATC response; 'Negative Aircraft X; 3;000 HDG 360 contact departure'. Departure contacted and descended to 3;000.All Pilot-Skill Errors above; pertaining to CA's actions; not myself - the First Officer. All selected items above to honestly indicate cause and; mitigating factors.

Data retrieved from NASA's ASRS site and automatically converted to unabbreviated mixed upper/lowercase text. This report is for informational purposes with no guarantee of accuracy. See NASA's ASRS site for official report.