
VMC approach to runway xxr at ZZZ at night; PAPI OTS. We were cleared the visual on a right base to the FAF. We flew the approach in LNAV/VNAV and showed on glidepath as we approached the turn to final. I had gear down; flaps 15 as we rolled out and was slowing to 180 knots. We both felt we were high although the pdi indicated only slightly above glideslope. We continued to configure the aircraft and called for the landing checklist. At 500; I called 'stable' when we realized the flaps were at 25 not 30. The captain selected flaps 30 and we continued the approach and landing without incident.this was the captain's third flight since march; I have flown more recently but it's been 3 weeks since my most recent flight.


Original NASA ASRS Text

Title: Air carrier flight crew reported an unstabilized approach due to a wrong flap setting.

Narrative: VMC approach to Runway XXR at ZZZ at night; PAPI OTS. We were cleared the visual on a right base to the FAF. We flew the approach in LNAV/VNAV and showed on glidepath as we approached the turn to final. I had gear down; flaps 15 as we rolled out and was slowing to 180 knots. We both felt we were high although the PDI indicated only slightly above glideslope. We continued to configure the aircraft and called for the landing checklist. At 500; I called 'stable' when we realized the flaps were at 25 not 30. The Captain selected flaps 30 and we continued the approach and landing without incident.This was the Captain's third flight since March; I have flown more recently but it's been 3 weeks since my most recent flight.

Data retrieved from NASA's ASRS site and automatically converted to unabbreviated mixed upper/lowercase text. This report is for informational purposes with no guarantee of accuracy. See NASA's ASRS site for official report.