
I was landing at poc. Inbound to land I understood as I was instructed by tower 'clear to land runway 26L;' by the controller. I entered final. Unidentified aircraft was behind and to my left for the same runway. The other aircraft was told to go around by different controller. It appeared to me that two aircraft were cleared to land on the same runway. No tower instructions or warnings were given to me other than what is stated above. After contacting the tower after landing. I was told that I was cleared to land on runway 26R. If this is true; then I am at fault and am glad that there was not a more serious issue. At this point I still think the tower instructed me to land on runway 26L and not runway 26R. Three other pilots who were flying in the area seem to understand the same. I would not intentionally deviate from the tower's instructions. Ether way I am sincerely sorry for the problem and the miscommunication. No runway or aircraft incursion occurred. Other aircraft is not known.


Original NASA ASRS Text

Title: A small aircraft pilot approaching POC heard his clearance to land on Runway 26L. On short final an aircraft close behind was told to go around because both aircraft were landing on the same runway. The reporter was certain about his Runway 26L landing clearance although ATC said he was cleared for 26R.

Narrative: I was landing at POC. Inbound to land I understood as I was instructed by Tower 'Clear to Land Runway 26L;' by the Controller. I entered final. Unidentified aircraft was behind and to my left for the same runway. The other aircraft was told to go around by different Controller. It appeared to me that two aircraft were cleared to land on the same runway. No Tower instructions or warnings were given to me other than what is stated above. After contacting the Tower after landing. I was told that I was cleared to land on Runway 26R. If this is true; then I am at fault and am glad that there was not a more serious issue. At this point I still think the Tower instructed me to land on Runway 26L and not Runway 26R. Three other pilots who were flying in the area seem to understand the same. I would not intentionally deviate from the Tower's instructions. Ether way I am sincerely sorry for the problem and the miscommunication. No runway or aircraft incursion occurred. Other aircraft is not known.

Data retrieved from NASA's ASRS site as of April 2012 and automatically converted to unabbreviated mixed upper/lowercase text. This report is for informational purposes with no guarantee of accuracy. See NASA's ASRS site for official report.