
ACR1 abcd and ACR2 abcd were on my frequency at the same time and I switched ACR2 abcd to next frequency when ACR1 abcd answered; 'was that for me?' at that exact moment I realized; they had done it again. For awhile around mid november; ACR1 abcd off ZZZ1 had changed their call sign number to a non-similar three digit number. This took a long time to accomplish. However; today; I realized they are back with the old number in conflict with ACR2 abcd off ZZZ2 and in our sector 77 at the same time...why? I have been filing on this situation for some time.


Original NASA ASRS Text

Title: ZID ATCS reports two air carriers off two different airports have flights with the same 4 digit callsign that routinely enter his/her sector at the same time. This results in confusion.

Narrative: ACR1 ABCD and ACR2 ABCD were on my frequency at the same time and I switched ACR2 ABCD to next frequency when ACR1 ABCD answered; 'was that for me?' At that exact moment I realized; THEY had done it again. For awhile around mid November; ACR1 ABCD off ZZZ1 had changed their call sign number to a non-similar THREE digit number. This took a long time to accomplish. However; today; I realized they are back with the old number in conflict with ACR2 ABCD off ZZZ2 and in our sector 77 at the same time...WHY? I have been filing on this situation for some time.

Data retrieved from NASA's ASRS site as of April 2012 and automatically converted to unabbreviated mixed upper/lowercase text. This report is for informational purposes with no guarantee of accuracy. See NASA's ASRS site for official report.